session one: lets get out of here (mi-noo) part 1

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(3rd person pov)

A room could be seen attached in an empty void of nothingness in a room a black haired male wearing a therapist uniform could be seen adjusting something that male being obi and soon

*Knock knock knock*

"Oh come on in" obi said and soon someone walked in a black haired male with some bags under his eyes walked in "h-hello i-is t-this the th-therapy room?" The man said "ah yes welcome the name is Mi-noo im assuming?" Obi said

"Y-yeah" mi-noo said and soon obi gave him a warm smile "come on sit down please" obi said and soon he adjusted a chair near the table and sat mi-noo down

"Hold on a sec lemme get something" obi said he began looking trough his drawers and found some apple juice

"Here ya go" obi handed the apple juice to Mi-noo "o-oh u-uh t-thanks" mi-noo said he soon began drinking the apple juice "if you need more just say so we have plenty here" obi said

"Now then tell me your story pal what got you here" obi said and soon mi-noo looked at obi and down at himself and began explaining everything

(If you want to know read the manga for yourself but in summary he visited his girlfriend with his upperclassmen to find his girlfriend cheating on him and when he asked his upperclassmen to help she instead joined and had sex with the dude aswell pretty fucked up tbh)

After telling everything mi-noo looked at obi he had an unreadable face expression befofe it turns into an expression of empathy "oh wow oh uuh ouch" obi said it seems the story disturbed him greatly

Mi-noo had tears in his eyes and before he could do anything else obi had hugges him

"!" Mi-noo caught off guard by the hug at first froze but then gave in and cried

This went on for hours with obi comforting the dude and him crying while mumbling words like "i trusted her" or "it hurts" or "why" which obi had kept comforting and hugging him

After a couple of hours mi-noo had finally calmed down "you okay bud?" Obi asked to which mi-noo nodded "y-yeah" mi-noo's voice was a nit dry due to the amount of tears he cried soon as he calmed down obi look at him with sympathy

"Hmm i wonder....AH HAH i have an idea" obi says to which mi-noo looked at him curiously "i know what can cheer you up!" Obi said to which mi-noo looked interested

"An adventure!" Obi said mi-noo looked confused "a *sniff* what?" Mi-noo said "here follow me" as obi said that he opened the exit door revealing their room is in the middle of an endless void "right" obi said and soon he pulled out a strange Mysterious key and a portal appeared in front of them

"You ready?" Obi said to which Mi-noo hesitantly nodded and soon they entered as their figure vanishes from this dimension

(End of part 1)

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