session one: aftermath

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(3rd person pov)

It was a beautiful day the bird were chipping the flowers are blooming

And where else to go on this beautiful day then to the local coffee cafe


"we have a vanilla latte for terry here" a voice said and said voice came from none other than our friend mi-noo

After his therapy session he began piecing his life back together he went back to college and got a part time job at buckstar mainly to support himself

Soon a man named terry got his coffee from mi-noo "its jerry by the way" the man said before leaving mi-noo just shyly nods as the man walks away

Soon another person walked up to the counter

"Hello there- oh obi sup dude" mi-noo said in a cheery tone mi-noo seems a lot more cheerful lately although still having his nervous and somewhat shy attitude he seems to be a lot more cheerful recently

"Sup can i get the usual?" Obi asked "uhh this is the first time you went here" mi-noo said

"Right right then i'll take a..." Obi seems confused on what to order "is this your first time ordering at a coffee shop?" Mi-noo asked

"....perhaps" obi answered with a sweat rolling down his face as mi-noo just sighs with a smile on his face "it's alright if you're confused on what to order i suggest the cinnamon bun frappuccino its my personal favourite" mi-noo said

"Oh alright then i'll uhh have whatever that is" obi said as mi-noo nodded and began preparing his order

Obi nods and awkwardly took a seat in a random spot

Soon a couple of minutes pass and mi-noo came to obi with his order "here you go obi" mi-noo said with a smile as he hands obi his drinks

"Thanks dude oh and here's a tip" obi said as he tipped mi-noo thirty dollars "don't you think this is too much? Also aren't we in japan how did you get dollars?" Mi-noo asked "...plot" obi said as mi-noo just nodded

Obi said "anyways just take it it's fine besides i would,ve wasted that money on kinder joy eggs anyways" obi said "well thank you very much obi I really appreciate it" mi-noo said as obi just nodded and gave him fingerguns

They don't call obi socially akward the call him akwardly social

As mi-noo went back to the register obi drank his drink and actually found it delicious

As mi-noo went back to the register he sighed as he noticed today was a pretty slow day he seems to be glad as that means no work for him

Suddenly two hands come from behind him and formed a hug "heya handsome come here often?" A female voice said behind mi-noo

"Of course i do i work here and so do you amy" mi-noo said turning around to see a blonde short hair girl also known as amy aka his co worker

"Right right how could i forget eh mi-mi" amy said "pfft stop it with that stupid nickname" mi-noo said as he rubs her head playfully

Obi could be seen spying on him in his seat using binoculars 'how the hell did he already have girls falling for him? He litereally broke up with his ex three weeks ago and now he's with another girl? God damn mi-noo teach me your ways!' obi thought to himself

Soon after a couple of hours and obi spying and eventually leaving the starbu- buckstars soon mi-noo's shift ended

"Welp today was a nice day wasn't it?" Mi-noo said "its always a nice day for you mr happy go lucky" mia said jokingly

obi's therapy room (feat: ntr mc's)Where stories live. Discover now