session two: hiroki's resolve 2

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(Hiroki's pov)

There i sat in my bedroom lost in my own thoughts

Yeah i may have moved out of there but still my mind can't move on

Why? Just why did they do it?

I trusted them so why did they break that trust


My thoughts are interrupted by my roommate knocking on the door

"Yo you okay in there? You,ve sorta just been uhh silent in there you haven't even unpacked yet" mi-noo said worriedly

I sigh i suppose i should unpack first though why does he care?

I opened the door and barely greet him i took my luggage into my room and close the door on him

I can hear him faintly say "rude" under his breath though i did not care

I place my luggage on the corner of my room and lay on my bed tired of all of this

I thought that i-i could just forget about them if i-i had left but i can't stop thinking about them

I-i just i-


no no no no NO

I sat up with a determined face, im not going to let this make me down

I remembered what dad said before he passed "listen son i want you to hear me correctly tough its cruel and unforgiving, and in life you definitely will fall but whatever you do you must not stay down, and you won't be alone there will be other to help pick you back up and if not...then you have to be the person to pick yourself back up"

I remembered him looking at me with a warm smile "i may not be here forever son but when the time comes and i have to go just know, i love you and i know you'll grow up to be a strong and brave person"

I clenched the edges of my bed tears silently dripping out my eyes i have to hold them back i- don't have to bottle it up anymore

And i cried...

I cried...

I cried for what felt like hours letting every single emotion out my body

It felt relieving

I don't remember the last time i,ve not bottled up my emotions

The last time i didn't try to put on a tough front

The last time i didn't try to be someone who im not happy

Happy that i can finally let this all out

Im happy that i can finally feel...happy again

I wipe the tears off of my face as i began to compose myself

First things first i need to apologise to my roommate

I slowly open the door to see mi-noo dressing up in his work uniform i approach him confidently

"Mi-noo i want to announce that i am sorry for being rude last time" i say with confidence as i remember what my dad told me "confidence is key" so now im using every last bit i have

He looks at me strangely and laughs "a-alright then i uhh forgive you" he says, 'hah nailed it!' i thought to myself

I soon approach the front door and wave him goodbye i took a walk outside breathing in the fresh air

With confidence i crouched down and touched grass

Second task done i smile proudly at myself

Soon i hum to myself as i began to skip around the neighborhood

It took me this long to realise just how... beautiful this world really is

(Timeskip brought to you by hiroki walking down the neighborhood happily)

I went around the neighborhood

I went around, greeted people, went to places i haven't been to, and so much more

I even started helping people like mowing their lawn, or bringing their groceries

Why? Because i can! Im alive so why shouldn't i?

Though i still feel some sadness, seeing how much joy i can make other people feel...fills me with joy aswell

After a long day of it soon reaches the sunset

Usually i'd be home by now due to...mother's requested but....

I think i can stay for a while

I sat on a nearby patch of grass looking at the sunset

Its so... beautiful so beautiful

I,ve been so occupied in life trying to please those around me that i- i never got too

(Timeskip brought to you by hiroki staying up at night playing budokai tenkaichi 3)

I got home a few hours later at night to see mi-noo sitting down on the couch playing video games on the tv

He turns to me with a suprised look "woah you were out for a while! What were you doing?" Mi-noo asked

I took a second to reply thinking about my response

"" i say as i sit down next to him "so what'cha playin there?" I asked him looking at the tv

"Oh im just playing super smash bros im trying to get every character to elite...and that includes olimar" he says as i chuckle "olimar? Dang goodluck with that my guy" i laugh as i head to my bedroom

I enter my bedroom and turned on the lights

Man its messy here

Oh well can't help it

I began to tidy things around before suddenly noticing a photograph

It was of me mom and my sister

I flinched seeing the photograph... knowing what they did

I should probably throw this away...


I place them on the drawer next to my bed

Trying to forget the past won't change anything moving on is the best way

If i truly want to grow i can't simply not acknowledge what they did

If i truly want to grow i must acknowledge it and move on

I look around my tidy room and smiled to myself

I truly have grown huh

Though as i thought of that i looked to my laptop then to my unfinished homeworks


Nope i haven't grown

I went over to my laptop and began to play video games all night long

'I suppose SOME things never change' i thought to myself as i laugh

(End of chapter 2)

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