session one lets get out of here (Mi-noo) part 2

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(Mi-noo's pov)



Why did she do it

I trusted her i gave her everything i-

"Dude you okay?" Obi said to me looking at me curiously "y-yeah im fine" i replied back

I was following him to somewhere for some reason we've been walking in what seems to be an empty void

Why am i not questioning it? To be honest with the things that happened recently i gave up trying to know

"Aha this should be it" obi said soon he pullet out another strange looking key he then threw it to the ground and it materialized a door

"Lets go lets get out of here" obi said soon he took my hand and dragged me to the door

I don't know why yet...he makes me feel safe

Soon we reach the other side of the door and we end up in...disneyland? "Huh wait why are we-" i was cut off by obi dragging me somewhere "come on we have so much rides to go on" obi said

He dragged me to multiple rides like the peter pan flight,star wars rise of resistance,and the incredicoaster

It really run we kept going on numerous rides eating at the stores and much much more

I,ve never been this happy my entire life


Soon the sun was setting and we were both sitting down at a bench looking at the sunset

"Beautiful eh? I really like seeing the sunset reminds me of my friend bl- well he's a story for another time" obi says chuckling "yeah yeah it is" i replied today has been one hell of a ride one second i was sad the next it was the happiest momen...

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"Beautiful eh? I really like seeing the sunset reminds me of my friend bl- well he's a story for another time" obi says chuckling "yeah yeah it is" i replied today has been one hell of a ride one second i was sad the next it was the happiest moment of my life

I remember what happened that time and it still hurts but now...right now i feel like im free i feel as if a weight has been lifted of my shoulders


(3rd person pov)

As mi-noo looks at the sunset with happiness the atmosphere began to distort

It was revealed there was something that was holding mi-noo still...strings Bright red strings but as mi-noo began growing more happier and happier the strings soon snapped as mi-noo feels a sudden rush of relief

"Obi can i talk to you for a moment?"mi-noo said to obi was snacking on some ice cream "sure dude whats up" obi replied

"You know after what had...happened originally I wasn't sure what I would do next i had no idea how i was gonna continue my life i had lost...a purpose" mi-noo said with a slight somber look

"I-" but before obi could continue mi-noo's somber look was gone it was now replaced with a smile...a genuine happy smile "now i found a new enjoy my life no matter what happens" mi-noo said before looking at ob "thank you for everything" mi-noo said which obi replied with a smile

"No problems dude" obi said the two soon high fived each other and soon obi pulled out a key and materialized a door before opening it and leaning mi-noo in soon they arrive back at japan

"Ah home sour home" mi-noo said with a slight hint of sarcasm "welp i'll see you later i suppose" Mi-noo said and then obi handed him a sheet of papers that contained his number "if ya ever need any help you know who to call"obi said

Mi-noo smiled before waving goodbye at obi and walking away soon obi smiled aswell and took out another key materializing another door before entering

As he walks through the empty void obi began writing down in a notepad

"Welp thats one down now then" obi turned to the readers "who else should i help next?" Obi asked with a smile

(End of session one)

P.s there will be a sort of aftermaths thing later where we catch up on how mi-noo is doing

Thanks for reading buh bye ole pals

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