session two: hiroki's resolve

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(3rd person pov)

A familiar black haired man sat on his chair talking to another man "welp that's the end for our session until tommorow y/n" obi said as y/n left the room

Obi sat there doodling on his notepad until another knock was heard "ah come on in" obi said the door opened revealing a blonde teenager he clearly has been going trough a lot

He has bags under his eyes,a frown full of despair,as well as eyes that seems to have cried for a long time

Obi looks at the teenager with a worried gaze "oh wow you uhh you look like you,ve been trough some shit" obi said pretty bluntly the teenager snorts at it

"Y-yeah uhh hello is this the therapy thing? I-its my first time going to one a-and-" the blonde was interrupted by obi suddenly hugging him the blonde was shocked and silent at first but he eventually accepted it and hugged back as he fully regains his composure "...thanks i needed that" the blonde said obi nodded and points to a chair

"So lets get this started shall we?" Obi said with a warm smile "now tell me what happened?" Obi asks

(One recap later)

Obi sat there a look of pure concern on his face the blonde was about to cry when obi gave him another hug this time obi whispers "let it out its fine" obi said the blonde couldn't take it anymore he cried

And cried

And cried

After around thirty minutes he stops and turns to obi still sniffling "t-thanks" the blonde said obi nodded "no problem now could you tell me your name?" Obi asks the blonde nods "m-my name is hiroki" the blonde said

Obi gives a gentle pat to hiroki's head "well hiroki my name is obi and im here to help" obi said hiroki felt happy hearing that honestly help is everything he needed right now

Obi took out a key and manifested another door he opened it and turned to hiroki "come now we,ve got many things to do" obi said hiroki's took obi's hand and they enter the door

(Timeskip brought to you by hiroky playing subway surfers)

The two arrive in a neighborhood of some sort "so uhh what are we doing here obi kun?" Hiroki asks obi chuckles "kun huh dunno what that means but I'll accept it" obi said

Hiroki chuckles "that means friend" obi just laughs "sorry dude not japanese so anyways we're here because...this is your new home" obi said hiroki spits out his non existent drink

"Yo wait what?" Hiroki asks obi just chuckles "well its simple you're going to live in this apartmenr for the time being and don't worry i've already payed for the rent for like a year so you're good" obi said hiroki's jaw drops

"D-dude i- i really appreciate it but w-why?" Hiroki asks his mouth agape obi just chuckles "what do you prefer to go to your old home?" Obi asks sarcastically "well no i-" hiroki was interrupted by obi "well then come on ahead I'll show you around the place" obi said pushing hiroki towards the apartment

Obi showed hiroki his apartment its small yet cozy there are 2 bedrooms due to there being another person living there meaning hiroki'll have a roommate a bathroom a kitchen right next to the living room and that's it its small yet cozy

"Woooah this looks comfy" hiroki says exploring the apartment with enthusiasm like a curiois child hiroki turns to obi "thank you so much obi kun but may i ask you are you doing so much for me?" Hiroki asks "you were just supposed to be my therapist i didn't expect you to do this" hiroki says making obi chuckle

"Its simple you're my patient i consider my patient my friends therefore i'll help you out in any way i can" obi says "even if that means renting an apartment for a year by using 90% of this year's salary" obi chuckles Hiroki felt grateful amd guilty

"Wow thanks so much sir though are you sure you won't regret this?" Hiroki asks obi chuckles "of course my next paycheck is in three days i'll be fine either way" obi laughs as hiroki smiles gratefully at him

Hiroki's took obi's hand and hugged him obi laughs and hugs back as Hiroki turns to the room "what now obi kun?" Hiroki asks obi chuckles "its simple" he places his hands on hiroki's shoulders "focus on your education and get a job i'll only help you this far the rest is all on you got it?" Obi says putting pressure on hiroki

Hiroki gulps nervously "g-got it" obi said as he smiled "good im proud of you i'll visit you tommorow since i have something to do" obi says as he heads for the front door before turning to hiroki "make me proud kid" he says before leaving hiroki sighs he goes to the couch to sit down and think about what just happened

Suddenly the front door opened as a voice spoke "oh so you're my new roommate huh?" The person spoke hiroki turns to them "yeah i guess so what's your name? Mine's hiroki", Hiroki says the stranger chuckles

"What an odd name sure i'll tell you mine"  they say as the turn to hiroki

"My name is mi-noo"

End of part 1

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