Chapter 6

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"Yeah. If I agree to do this, you have to as well" she says with a smirk "but I-I don't even s-sing" "you don't have to" "t-then what can I-I do?" "Just be funny .. do funny vines like the people we just saw" "o-okay .. I guess I could t-try" I reply back, biting my lip nervously. "Good! We should set up accounts now" Nyssia says smiling at us "okay" we both answer. We each set up an account for ourselves and we each post one vine; Savannah and Nyssia do one singing and I do a funny one. "You know we should log out of our accounts so we don't feel the need to look at it and then check them in the morning to see if anything happened" Savannah suggests to us. "Wait ... you expect me to wait that long to see if anyone liked, commented, or even revined?? You're crazy Savannah" Nyssia says "it's not that long I mean it's already six and we'll be asleep probably for half of the 12 hours until we go to school so it won't matter" "fine" Nyssia says huffing. "Is that okay with you?" Savannah asks looking at me "y-yeah". Right after our conversation someone knocks on Savannah's bedroom door "come in!" Savannah yells. "Hey dinners ready so come on down" the lady says, which I'm guessing is her mother "okay but do you care if Nyssia and Cameron stay for dinner as well?" "Oh no that's fine. Hello Nyssia and I don't think I've met you before" she says smiling at me. "Oh yeah mom, this is Cameron, Cameron this is my mom" "hi ms.maxwell?" I say more as a question "yes that's my name" she says laughing a little "hi how are you?" "I'm good thanks for letting me stay" "oh no problem" she says, smiling as she walks out of Savannah's room and goes downstairs. "well....lets go" savannah says standing up and going downstairs as me and Nyssia follow. "Hey Savannah. Hey Nyssia. Hey cameron?" He says to us, my name being more of a question. "What are you doin here?" He asks me "oh your sister said I could come over after school and she said I could stay for dinner" I say nervous he might be mad because I'm here "oh cool" he says and we all sit at the table and her mom brings in pasta "oh my gosh you cooked pasta" savannah says excitedly and is the first to dig in. Then the rest of us. "So how do you two girls know Cameron?" Her mother asks Nyssia and Savannah "well he's my partner in science so yeah" "and I know him because of them being partners and me and Savannah being best friends" Nyssia says weirdly making Savannah look at her making a face like 'you are so dumb' and Nyssia shrugs and continues eating. Throughout the rest of the dinner, we all just talk about any and everything. We all finish eating and its already 9. "Hey mom I'm gonna go drop them off" she yells to her mom. "Okay be back right after" "okay". We all 3 get in her car and she heads towards Nyssia's house then to mine. We get to my house."thanks" I say looking at her "no problem" she says smiling "i-I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask nervously "of course" she says smiling "bye" I say smiling a little as I get out "bye" she says out of her window and drives away. I think I still like her.

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