Chapter 11

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3 days later
Savannah's POV
The other day was insane but I've been feeling a lot happier knowing my dads in jail. I walk into first period and sit right next to Cameron. I'm not sure what it is, but ever since the other night, I've been feeling nervous around him. I think I like him but I don't really know if I want to ... it could end badly and I don't ever wanna loose a friend like him. We've become closer and closer everyday, we're now inseparable. He hasn't really been getting bullied much, a lot of people still won't talk to him, but a lot of people have been more nice to him.
Within the past couple of days, we've all gotten more and more notifications on vine like comments, revines, and likes. Its been crazy. I've never felt so loved, even though I don't even know who any of these people are but yet they feel the need to say all of these kinds things to me. It's a great feeling. Anyways, so since today is Friday, me and Cameron are having an evening with just us. It was his idea so I have no idea what we're doing exactly but he said it's just going to kinda be relaxing. So it's finally the end of the day and Cameron told me to meet him by the exit and we would go in his car and he would drive me the rest of the night so I did as told. I get to the front and see him standing there and he waves me over. "Hey cam" I say smiling as I get to him and he hugs me "hello Savannah" he says excitedly with a smile as I giggle a little and hug back. "You ready to go" "yeah" I answer and he grabs my hand and drags me to the car. We get in and we get to the mall "what are we doing here cam?" I ask looking at him smiling. "Well, your going shopping" "um what about you?" "well I'm paying" "what? no. no. no. your not paying for anything" "yeah I am now let's go" he says and turns off the car and comes over to my side and opens my door. "Cameronnnn" I say whining "let's go I don't wanna hear it" he says picking me up, putting me over his shoulder and closes my door, starting to walk into the mall as I'm laughing and he's just smiling. We get by the entrance and he finally puts me down as I'm still laughing. We start to walk in "what's your favorite store Cameron?" I ask looking at him as I grab is hand. He looks down at our hands "u-um the t-the uh .." "the what cam?" I ask laughing a little "h-hollister" "okay then let's go there" I say smiling and start walking there with our hands still together. Right before we walk in I stop him and say "let's shop for each other" "huh?" "Okay, so I go on the boys section and find 3 outfits for you and pay for them. Then you go on the girls section and do the same for me" I say looking at him smiling. "Wait no. I wanna pay for your stuff" he says pouting" "and you will" I say smiling and walking to the men's section. I walk through the shirts and grab a navy and grey checkered collared shirt, pattern trim tank top, and a maroon and grey pocket t-shirt. I then get to the pants and get a pair of khaki shorts, peach colored fit shorts, and a pair of denim shorts. I walk up and pay for his stuff and as I walk out I see that he's already by the door and he smiles at me. I walk up to him "soo ... what'd you get me?" I ask trying to look in the bag but he pushes my head away playfully "no way your not looking yet. you can look when we get to my house" "fine" I say outing and he laughs a little. We go into a couple more stores and decide to leave. "Where to next?" I ask as we get in the car "my house. Movie night and pizza?" He asks smiling "of course". We get to his house and get settled and decide to watch 'The Best Of Me'. While we're watching the movie, we're really close together and I don't know why, but I all the sudden feel tense and nervous again.

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