Chapter 3

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Cameron's POV
oh. my. God. Savannah Maxwell just asked me to go to her house! yeah I know I wasn't really showing emotion towards her but I am beyond happy! I've had a crush on her since my first day here at Ballard but every time I would try and talk to her, I'd get beat up by this kid named Sean. So I just stopped trying to talk to her, instead of getting beat everyday, even though it still goes on. Yep, I still get beat up every day by Sean and some of his friends. I don't know why. I guess because I'm a 'nerd'. Anyways, so I left mrs.taylor's room for second period which was social studies for me. After sitting in class for 30 minutes, I have to use the restroom so mr.hudson, my teacher, let's me go. As I'm walking, I see Sean and his friends walking towards me and my heart starts racing. "Oh hey there cam" Sean says, hitting my shoulder hard and smiling. "What's up man?" "N-nothing" I answer him back "what's wrong mr.stutter?" 'seriously mr.stutter? Is he really that dumb?' I say in my head "excuse me?!" He asks loudly, making his jaw clench. Oops I guess I said that out loud. "n-nothing I-I didn't m-mean it" I say stuttering but he grabs me by my shirt and holds me against the lockers and starts punching me. My nose start to bleed and my eyes are already almost shut all the way but I've only taken a couple hits to the face. All of the sudden I hear "STOP! .. SEAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I hear a familiar female voice yell as I hear her running. "BABY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP!" She yells at Sean. Wait .. is that Savannah?! "LET GO OF HIM!" I hear again. That is Savannah! I then stop feeling the feeling of a fist hitting my face and I fall to the ground as I try to open my eyes a little. "Sean why would you do that to him?!" She asks yelling at him as she kneels down next to me and pulls some stuff out of her purse. "Baby w-where'd you even come from?" He asks nervously "um the bathroom! why the hell do you care?" She says to him loudly "baby that was an accident" "are you really that stupid?! Your such an ass Sean! how could you do this to him he could really be hurt!" "Baby you don't ev-" she cuts him off and says "no Sean don't talk! Shut up! Just shut up! We're done!" "What?!" "Yeah! We're done!" "Wow okay then fuck you! Your a little slut anyways! I don't even li-" he gets cut off by someone coming from behind him and punching him "ow! Shit!" He yells in pain holding the side of his face. "Get the hell out of here before I beat the shit out of you! Don't EVER talk to or about my sister like that again got it?!" well now we all know who it is, Thad. "Fine! I don't need her anyways!" Sean yells and walks away fast with his friends. "You okay man?" Thad asks as Savannah tries to clean my face up and she smiles a little, I'm not sure why. "Yeah I'm okay" I say quietly. "Hey if any of those guys ever mess with you again tell me or Savannah, she can tell me" he says smiling a little. "Yeah if that ever happens again let us know Cameron okay?" She asks smiling at me as she puts everything back in her purse and we stand up. "Okay. Thank you guys .. very much" I say smiling a little at the both of them. "No problem man" "no problem" they say at the same time. "Well I guess we should all get back to class huh?" Savannah asks looking between the two of us "yeah" me and Thad say. We all walk our separate ways. Wow maybe this won't be such a bad year after all.

I Fell In Love With The School Nerd (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now