X. | JoJo

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕏: 𝕁𝕠𝕁𝕠

Lorelei was in her room mourning the loss of her broken fake engagement. She was sobbing loudly much to the dismay of Stefan and Damon. Damon nor Stefan were able to sleep last night due to Lorelei's wailing. Stefan had decided he'd had enough. Stefan stomped out of his room and stood in front of Damon's door. Stefan was a bitch when he didn't get his beauty sleep. Stefan punched a hole through Damon's door, shocking the older Salvatore

"What the fuck?!" Damon yelled as Stefan then kicked Damon's bedroom door in. Stefan stomped in and glared at Damon

"You!" Stefan yelled before he launched himself at his older brother. Damon didn't even have time to react as his younger brother began strangling him

"I haven't slept all night! It's your fault!" Stefan yelled angrily as Damon tapped Stefan's arm trying to let him know he can't breathe

"Stef.. air.." Damon croaked out. Stefan gave him a fake smile

"Oh? You need air? Well guess, what? I need sleep!" Stefan yelled as he continued strangling his older brother

"How is this.. my fault?" Damon croaked out as he began to lose consciousness

"You are the reason, Lorelei has been wailing all night!" Stefan yelled as he finally let go of Damon's neck. Damon began gasping for air as he grabbed at his neck

"What do you want me to do about it?" Damon asked as he panted

"Fix it, or I swear to God I'll stake you" Stefan threatened. Damon put his hands up defensively

"Fine.. fine.. just chill the fuck out" Damon said. Stefan backed off as Damon got out of bed. Damon dragged himself out of his room and walked towards Lorelei's room. Her wailing got louder as he got closer to her room. Damon lightly knocked on her door

"Um.. Lorelei..?" Damon asked nervously

"What do you want?! Are you here to play with my feelings again?!" Lorelei cried out. Damon exhaled loudly before entering the room. He saw her, sobbing into her pillow. He took a breath before he gave her a comforting smile

"Lorelei.. sweetie.. um.. I don't know if you know this, but um.. people in this house.. need to sleep, and you making all that noise.. it's kinda a sleep preventer.. and I don't know if you know this but Stefan.. see my little brother.. my sweet.. little.. brother.. is a raging prick when he doesn't sleep. So I'd appreciate it so very greatly if you shut up" Damon said in a nice tone. Lorelei looked at him before she threw a knife at him. He caught it and sighed

"Oh, I'm sorry if my presence inconveniences you! It's just, I'm heartbroken! A woman who's grieving the loss of her engagement!" Lorelei cried loudly

"Fake engagement" Damon corrected. Lorelei looked at him sadly

"Did our love mean nothing to you? Was I just a pawn in your game?" Lorelei cried. Damon really didn't know how to respond

"Um.. Lorelei.. are you perhaps.. mentally ill?" Damon asked with a smile. Lorelei threw another knife at Damon. He dodged

"Can you stop throwing knives at me!" Damon yelled

"Go fuck yourself!" Lorelei screamed. Damon sighed before he walked over to Lorelei and snapped her neck. Damon sighed and knew what he had to do

"Finally!" Stefan yelled relieved

Lorelei awoke with a sharp pain in her neck. She couldn't believe that Damon had snapped her neck. However, she was brought out of her thoughts when she noticed a dress, along with a note on her bed. She stared at it curiously before she picked it up and read it

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦|| D. SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now