12. The Devil Is Here

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It had been two days since I escaped from his dominance, his truculence. Every day in these two days was a living hell to me. I neither could sleep alone nor could I stay alone anywhere, even for a moment. Every time I jumped and flinched when the doorbell rang or any extemporaneous sounds occurred, even for a slight movement.

Uncle Jacob assigned two security guards at his house but I could bet they were nothing in front of Nicolas and his men.

Since I was too afraid to sleep alone, I slept in Nova's bedroom. Every night was a torture to me as I couldn't close my eyes even for a few minutes. I felt him, his fragrance, his touch, his darkened ocean blue eyes, his sweet melodious cold voice whenever I closed my eyes. And I feared it most, because he's a cold blooded monster.

The commissioner had called a meeting with all the officers and the police department had decided to search the forest. Uncle Jacob was doing his best to find my family and catch the gang. Fardinn and his father also joined with him. Though I was so confused why Fardinn was helping me and the police force.

I missed my family very much. I missed Ellerie. How happy we were one day but Nicolas destroyed everything. I cried everyday for my family until my lungs and eyes gave up. I imagined my old golden life everyday and how happy I was with my family.

Reema and Marjan had literally crushed the car with a stall on their way to Jacob's house when they heard I was found out. They were crying like babies and hugged me as tightly as they could. I laughed at their reaction but I knew they missed me very much.

Fardinn and his father, the commissioner, also came to meet me and asked me many questions about Nicolas. I doubted they were here to help me but I calmed my head thinking that they were doing this to help me.

Reema and Marjan used to come everyday and we talked and cried for hours after hours. I didn't know what would happen to me if they weren't in my life. We were like sisters and we shared everything among us. I told them about what happened between me and Nicolas. They knew he forced me to do that and promised me they would keep it a secret. They comforted me and assured me in every way possible and it really soothed my pain for a moment.

"Talia, let's play in the garden. You always stay at home. Why?" Nova pouted.

She didn't know what was happening in my life. She was told by us that my parents went to the village with granny and we're staying at their home for a few days. We avoided every conversation from her as much as we could.

"Okay, I can go to the garden. Let's go." I smiled sweetly and kissed her cheeks.

The garden was behind the house. So I thought there would be no problem because nobody would see me.

"What are you two talking about, babies?" Auntie Hannah smiled brightly and walked in the living room with a bowl of fresh cookies.

"We're going to the garden. Talia will play with me today. Yay!" Nova cheered.

"Talia baby, are you sure you'll be okay?" Hannah hesitated.

"It's morning, auntie. I'll be fine." I smiled.

She nodded and gave me a soft smile. We finished eating cookies and walked outside and reached backwards, in the garden.

The sun was shining brightly, sweet cool breezes were blowing and birds were chirping. I took a deep breath and relaxed. It felt good as I was literally locked myself at the house for one week.

Nova was giggling and playing with some butterflies which were sitting on the edge of the flowers. I giggled and sat down on a bench. I looked at my home and exhaled sharply.

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