29. Devil's Angel (Mature)

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I woke up with a warm feeling on my neck. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was my angel.

Her face was hiding in the crook of my neck and her warm breath tickled on my neck. A small smile appeared on my lips unknowingly.

I carefully placed my palm on her soft cheek and caressed my thumb on it.

She's so soft, so delicate. Her tiny body perfectly fit on my bulky one and I loved it.

Her long black hair looked messy but still managed to look perfect. She was sleeping peacefully in my arms.

It was like the sleeping beauty was sleeping peacefully in the devil's arms.

And the devil wanted to hold her like this forever.


I fell for a stubborn, angelic and beautiful teenage girl.

With a lazy smile on my lips, I kept watching the sleeping beauty in my arms but my phone decided to buzz.

My smile dropped and I silently cursed that person who interrupted me to watch my sleeping angel.

As her head was on my arm, I removed her head from my arm and placed it on the pillow very carefully so that she didn't wake up.

"Valentino." I greeted my boss after receiving the call.

"Hey, Nick. What's up? Did I interrupt you?"

Yes, fucker.

"No" I rolled my eyes and muttered.

"Good to hear. Now tell me what the hell is happening in Italy. Romano told me that some bastards broke into your house. Is it true?" He growled.

"Yes. They did."

"You sure they're the Mexicans? Because I don't think Mexicans don't want a war anytime soon." His voice was demanding.

I know he already knew everything because John had a big mouth who probably told him who were they.

"They were not the Mexicans. They're some men sent by the mayor and the commissioner. I think the mayor and the commissioner are working together. Cops are also after us but for the lack of clue, they're silent." I knew telling everything wasn't a good idea but I had no choice.

"So this is all happening only for that little girl. Be ready, my boy. My vacation is over. I'm coming to say hello to your lady love." With that he cut the line and I stood on my balcony like a statue.

I knew what that meant. A dangerous war was happening very soon. Valentino's first targets were the mayor, David, and the commissioner, Lincoln. And then... my angel.

But I'd never let that happen. I'd save her at any cost.

I knew I'd hurt her so much and I didn't deserve her. I created all of this mess and now her life was in danger just for me. I should've known that I didn't deserve a angel like her. Because I was nothing but a heartless criminal who'd killed a hundreds of people in his life. Some were innocent and some were criminal like me.

I realized now, my stupid, footless and ball less obsession threw her life in danger. But I was obsessed after I laid my eyes on her. Fuck! What was I even thinking when I beat her dad and tortured her like that.

Fuck! I was fucking possessed!

We're totally from two different world. My world was full of darkness and her world was full of lightness. Our path was totally opposite. When I learned to kill people, she used to play with her doll.

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