41. Torn Apart

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I woke up perceiving the birds' soft chirping sound on the mango tree beside my bedroom. The spring breeze calmly hushed in my room, making the thin curtains dance like waves.

I groaned at the itching sensation in my eyes when the sunlight met my vision. I rolled over my bed lazily before slowly getting up.

I was so happy, literally dancing in my mind. The crazy thing Nicolas did last night, the adrenaline-pumping moments he let me have a taste, and the wild desires he ignited inside of me each time he looked into my eyes, I was obviously in love with them.

After freshening up and taking a shower, I made my way downstairs, totally unaware that it was midday and lunchtime. I heard people chattering in the living room.

When I finally made it downstairs, my breath hitched in my throat and I almost choked because in front of me was sitting Fardinn and his dad David. They were smiling and seemed to have a stationary conversation with my parents.

I almost forgot that my parents and the cops were unaware that Fardinn and his dad were no less dangerous and harmful.

"Hello, Natalia." Fardinn's dad David smirked.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" I gritted my teeth and hissed.

"Behave, Natalia." My mom glared at me.

"Oh God! They're also connected to the underworld, Mom! Don't trust them!" I tried to make my mother understand but she narrowed her eyes at me.

David's hand secretly went to the back side and I understood what was going to happen in the next moment. He was observing our every move like a predator.

"Natalia, you're tired. You haven't got out of your room for three days and you sleep late at night and wake up in the afternoon. Eat something and take a long shower." My mom gave me a tight smile before shoving me toward the kitchen.

As soon as mom finished, David's hand was removed from his hostler as he forced out a smile on his grumpy face.

I was about to protest when Fardinn gave me the deadliest glare and David silently warned me. I knew my family was in danger again because of me. But I wouldn't let anything happen to them this time.

I kept tapping on the kitchen counter and thinking about how I could get out of this house and call Uncle Jacob. He's the only option right now.

When I looked out of the kitchen window, I saw about seven men of Fardinn loitering outside of my house.

Fucking hell, if my parents knew what was going to happen at any moment.

But the question was, what did they want from me and my family?

Before I could think further, a familiar black car stopped a few meters away from my house.

I was surprised to think what Nicolas was doing this time around my house but Mariano, Alex, Reema, and Marjan got out of the car one by one.

Love birds.

At first, they were so engrossed in chattering but Mariano's face paled when he saw the men in front of my house. But the men luckily didn't notice them. So they quickly hide behind the car.

The light of hope flickered on in my mind. Fortunately, they're on time.

A few moments later, Marjan and Reema started walking toward my house but Mariano and Alex were obstructing them from coming into my house.

But girl, my crazy best friends shoved them back and ran into my house. I was nearly crying that they didn't even hesitate to run into the danger. They were here for me. They were always here for me.

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