19. Working on new project, together!

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                                                                                   JANE POV

The next day, when I was working, after convincing Stella mom that I'm perfectly fine, Christian's assistant, Ron comes towards me, "Madam, Sir is calling you." He says looking at me.

"Me?" I asked, pointing my finger towards me. To which, he nodded his head in agreement as well as reply.

I got up and follow him to Christian's office. He knocks on the door and opens the door. Christian's office is very big, there are awards display, news articles are framed and a big family portrait. He was reading files. As usual busy in work. Well, I am also like that.

"Sir. Madam is here." Ron says enthusiastic.

"Madam?" Christian questions, while raising his eyebrows.

"Of course, she is my madam, as she is your wife." Ron says very brightly.

"I think you don't have enough work. Why don't you go, bring me the files and data of last 5 years." Christian says. I do fell weird when he called me 'madam'.

"NO. I have work to do. I will take my leave." Ron says in hurry and leaving me and Christian alone in office.

"You called. Is there any work that need to be done?" I ask him. To reduce the awkward tension between us.

"Yep." He says and get up from his chair. He walks towards me. I shyly, awkwardly and surprisingly, stood there on spot. I can smell his perfume, it's strong and manly. He came very close, very close. The space between us, getting less, less.

He walk and directly stood in front of me. My heart beats like crazy. It beats faster every beats. My face, start to feel hot. I can't look at him, not at his face, nor his eyes. Why I am feeling so shy, that to in front of him?

"Do you need anything?" I ask him, without looking at him. My eyes keeps wandering here and there, except him.

"You are going to manage the new restaurant project with me." He announces, this big bomb, casually.

"Me? Managing with you? on the new project? Are you kidding me? Is it some kind of prank that you are playing on me?" I question him, in one breath. "Tell me, it's a joke, right?" Is he even real? It's a very bad prank. He is really out of his mind. How can I work with him on such a big project?

"Do I look like I am playing some kind of joke here?" He says some what annoyed, frowning.

"You can't just drop bombs like this." I say as a countback.

"I can. I am the boss." He says, domineering.

I was left speechless. I don't know what to say or react to this new bomb or news, that I heard. "I'm just a secretary."

"I'm your boss." He demands. "If you don't want your job, you can tell me."

"You're blackmailing me." I say. He shrugs his shoulder. "By tomorrow, you'll be managing with me on the project."

                                                                              Christian POV

"I have read this file." I say to Ron and hand him the file.

"Boss, what was lady boss's decision?" He asks eagerly.

"What decision?" I ask him, annoyedly.

"About working with you on the new project?" He questions me. "Don't tell me, you didn't ask her about it? All the board members liked the idea she proposed, that's why they want her to work in this project." He explains. At the meeting with the board members for the project, they like the idea Jane wrote. Including me. When dad knew Jane come with the idea, he really wanted her to work in the project. Hoping it'll help me and Jane to come closer.

"You will know it soon." I say him. Yesterday, when I dropped this bomb on her, she was surprised. Her reaction to this news was quite funny, though.

There was a knock on the door, "Come in." I said. Jane came inside the office, closing the door after entering.

"Mam, you are here. So, boss convinced you. Great." Ron says with excitement.

"Convince me? For what?" She asks Ron.

"Didn't boss convinced you to work in the new project along with him?" Ron says sounding confused. They both are chatting like old friends

"Convinced? It was more like an order." She says plainly.

"Whatever. Mam, your idea for the new project were really great." Ron compliments her. "I didn't knew you had knack for business."

"My ideas?" She thinks for a moment, "AH! Thank you."

"You know, all the board members liked your idea." Ron says happily.

"Thank you." She says shyly. She look cute, when she blush.

"We are here to work, not for gossiping." I say to divert their attention to me. "Ron, give those files to her, so that she can know and understand this project."

Ron hands her the files. She eyes the files in her hand. "Do I have to read them all?" I nodded my hand in agreement. She sighed heavily. She sat on the sofa, which is in my office and start to read the files one by one. I also continued my work.

After a hour or so. Ron came with our lunch. "Sir, mam, Here yours's lunch."

"Thank you." She says and start eating her lunch.

"Are you able to understand?" I ask her, while eating my lunch.

"I am trying my best. Though, it's been some time for me, but, I can understand." She replies.

"Good. If, you have anything you can't understand ask me." I casually says. Though, I didn't wanted to say it casually. I want her to come to me, when she is in trouble or she can't understand anything. Wait, what is wrong with me? Why do I want her to approach me? Don't think about it, focus on the work. That's more important. What is going on with me? I look at her. She was busy reading file. Her hair tied up in a messy bun. A few stands of hair forms a curtain, hiding her pretty face. I keep on staring at her. The more I look at her. The more I feel familiar towards her. The sense of familiarity in my heart grows more.

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