10. This is it for us

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Flower chuckled, finding Blaze's reaction a bit over the top. "Do you want to know why? Come on, don't act like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. I'm only doing this because it's necessary. So what if you used to like me? I did too at some point, but I've moved on, and so should you. Your priority should be to find your mother. I don't even like humans."

Blaze's eyes opened wide at the sudden statement Flower made "At least we're both on the same page, because I hate the living presence of you."

A stern voice knocked the two back to reality. "Are you both done throwing insults at each other?" Flower's eyes grew wide when she saw who it was.

"M-mother?, I thought." Flower was immediately cut off by her mother, who arrived suddenly.

"You thought what? Don't play dumb; I've been watching both of you, especially you, Anne. I've raised you better than that." Flower's mother states. How could you blame Flower? She was only doing her job of protecting Blaze.

"I thought we agreed to only call me by my name; you know, Cora. The one you gave me instead of Anne. I hate the name", Flower exclaimed. It was her grandfather's nickname; she hated it; wasn't that his last word?

Blaze smirked at Flower getting scolded by her mother. Anne? It is a nickname.

"Both of you will be coming with me. As for you, you can't use your power for 4 years; you're grounded." Being banned from using your power was the worst punishment. Any mystical creature could receive.

With a smirk, Flower knew she could get her mother back with her secret. "Fine by me. Then, I guess, I'll be staying at your new boyfriend's place. You know, the one dad doesn't know about"

"Cora!", her mother said sternly. Glancing at Blaze, who was spaced out, With a slight smile on her face "Let's go home, shall we?". Anyone could tell the fakeness of her smile. That it wasn't genuine.

Arriving at their palace, Blaze found his mother dressed in a full suit of white. Joyce was standing there with handcuffs around her hands. Blaze's smile quickly retreated to being bitter. "That's not the way you greet your mother", Blaze's mother says as she gently caresses his cheeks.

He quickly moved out of his mother's embrace. How could he trust again? Why trust someone who hides things from him?

"Oh, don't worry about her; she won't get any of the properties; she's going to prison, as for your father. I'll handle him like the man he says he is." She chuckled, glancing at Joyce, who was trembling in fear. 

She looked at Blaze with soft eyes; she could see her son in pain. Not once as he smiled; it's been so long. "I'm sorry, son, for everything. I'm deeply sorry. Would you find it in your heart to forgive me?" She was pleased and searched through Blaze's eyes. Which still had no emotion.

Blaze loved his mother, with time he could forgive her. "OK" was the only thing he could say. He had so much to say. How could he express himself without looking weak? He hates the idea of being weak and hopeless. That was how he felt when he was left stranded in the jungle.

Within two years, Blaze became prince and remained in the jungle. Rumors spread about him being a nameless nobody, but that was far from the truth. How could he tell them that when he was left in the forest, he became a prince, and found and lost his father because of his greed and thirst for power?

Blaze smiled to himself, realizing that he wasn't just a nameless bone after all.

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