Chapter - 1

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Present Day,
New York City


After almost six hours of journey from California, I have finally reached my desired destination, New York.

Fall's crisp cool air welcomes me with warmth. Sniffing the cool air and watching how the gold leaves fluttering along the sidewalks, I'm getting the home feeling that I had been missing in California for six years.

Taking a taxi, I am going to my parents' house in Lexington Avenue. They don't know that I'm coming today as I want to surprise them. I'm feeling soo good to be finally back to the city and my Aiden permanently.


I smile and clutch my heart shaped pink locket. The name is enough to bring out a big grin on my face. I can't wait to see him for good.

As my parents promised me, they updated me about his health. On my graduation, they visited and informed me that he had actually lost his memory of some years but I don't know of how many years he did lose the memory of.

I even tried to call and message him several times during my time in California but I didn't get any response. I even tried to find him in social media platforms but couldn't find him. I requested my parents to tell me how Aiden was then but they didn't know as Mr. kingston had send him abroad.

I'm certain that he won't forget me. But what if he...?


"Mam, we have reached your said destination." The driver speaks up, distracting me from my depressing thoughts. Taking the bags from the driver, I thank him and wishes him a great day. He smiles. "Thank you, Mam. You too!"

With a content smile on my face, I approach my three storey brownstone house. I press the bell beside the door and wait to see their reaction with bated breath. When the doors open, I'm greeted with my amazing mom who is staring at me with an astonished expression.

"Sweetie, we didn't know that you're coming!

I laugh. "It's because I didn't inform any one of you!"

Getting back to normalcy, she gives me a bone crushing hug. I miss her hug so much and it feels really great to be in her arms again. Indian hospitality is something to treasure. My mom flashes me a happy smile and squish my cheeks.

"It's good to have you back for good and-" She looks me up from head to toe and raises her eyebrows at me. 'You have gotten more beautiful, Rhea."

I find myself laughing at the comment. "Thank you, Mom and I missed you'll soo much and New York."

Taking my bags from me, my mom makes the maid deposit my belongings to my room.

"Come inside. I'm calling your dad to let him know that his sweetie is back to home for good. Take rest, Rhea."

"I will, mom." I reply with a grin.

Ascending the stairs to my room, I enter into my room and see that everything is in it's exact place. There's not a single thing misplaced in my room.

The blue and white walls are decorated with my vision board, and polaroids with my loved ones and the shelf of my books is positioned on the left side of my bed. In the center of the room, there is a huge photo of mine with my parents above the headboard which was clicked on my graduation day. This as a whole is giving me the feeling that I am finally back to my home.

After getting freshened up and changed to my favourite Taylor Swift merch t-shirt and leggings, I hear the voice of my dad from the hall.

Quickly I descend down the stairs to meet my dad and see them talking with each other.

"Manpreet, you haven't told her about him, right?" Dad asks mom.

"No, I haven't." My mom replies with a sigh.

"What are you guys talking about?"

My voice makes them clearing their throats. "It's nothing." He opens his arms. "Now don't I deserve a hug from my angel?"

I smile. "Ofc, dad!" I hug him.

Holding me at his arm's length, he smiles at me, "Look at you! When did my angel grow up so beautiful? Seems like California has treated you great!"

I laugh heartily. George Williams hasn't changed a bit. He is still his goofy self even though he is one of the finest criminal lawyers in New York.

"Thanks dad and yes, California has treated me really well."

It's true. My time in California had taught me so many things that I never thought I would be able to learn. After completing my Business Administration course with specialisation on Finance from Stanford, I interned at 2 start-ups there and gained both experience and practical knowledge. I even worked as an assistant of a senior manager at one of the IT companies there. Then, I made up my mind that I will be back to New York and Aiden for good.

"Sweetie, there's something I want to say to you."

Dad's deep and slightly hesitant voice startles me.

"Yes, tell me."

"First take a seat, sweetie." Dad says with his hand on my back.

Just as I take a seat on the sofa, I look at him, "Now tell me."

He pursues his lips. "It's about Aiden."

My stomach drops. "What do you want to tell me about him?"

"Rhea, as you know that Aiden has lost the memory of some years and many things happened ever since you had left for California." I glance at my mom but she wasn't saying anything. There is a sad expression on her face.

"Mr. Kingston got really sick and for this, he had send Aiden abroad for further education in order to oversee the operations in Kingston's Security as long as he is under treatment." Dad frowns. "Also, you know that we didn't have much of a good relationship with the Kingstons."

He looks at me and grudgingly adds, "Also Aid-"

"What about him, Dad?" I'm in full panic mode now.

He looks at my mom and then looks at me, letting out a heavy sigh. "Aiden has lost the memory of 10 years and it's likely possible that he may not have any memory of you."

A ball sized lump lodges itself in my throat at his words. I am speechless.

How can it be possible?! We had been best friends for so many years for God's sake!

Standing up from my position, I start to pace the floor, "No no it can't be! It's not possible! He can't forget about me!" It takes everything in me to keep my emotions at bay.

Placing his hand on my shoulder, dad speaks in his gentle voice. "Sweetie, you need to understand that he suffered a great injury on the back of his head."

A lone tear falls from my left eye. "So, no one has tried to remind him of me?"

He sighs. "I don't know about that, Rhea. Believe us, we get to know this recently fr-". I don't even wait for him to finish his words.

Sprinting up the stairs, I get to my room and lock myself in. I lean my back against the door and let my emotions take over me.

I put my head in my hands. Suddenly, I'm feeling at sea. Everything has got turned upside down instantly. I clutch my locket for support.

How am I going to make Aiden remember me?

I have to find a way but firstly, I need to meet with him in person.

Author's Note

OMG! First chapter is done!

Please vote, comment and share my story with your loved ones. Your support means a lot to me <3.

Love you all <33!

Happy Reading ❤️

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