Chapter - 37

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Sipping my Cappuccino at Dunkin Donuts, I stare out the outside of the window and marvel at the exceptional beauty of Freedom Trail in Boston. After getting freshened up and leaving my belongings at the hotel, I make a stop here to have my breakfast.

During daylight, Boston serves as the best picturesque moment. The city's sidewalks are filled with red paint or narrow strips of bricks. The sidewalks are lined up with apartments made of red bricks and Freedom Trail is connected with numerous landmarks like museums, parks and churches, etc. Boston's old buildings and apartments speak about their historical struggle for independence.

I'm thinking about capturing Boston's Fall beauty in my sketchbook after having this meeting sorted out.

As if on cue, my phone vibrates with a message. I retrieve the phone out of my pocket and receive the location from Camden Edwards, the manager of Philipa Chen, renowned tennis player who has already won 6 Grand Slams in 12 years of her career. However, it seems like there are some people who aren't liking her success.

Last Thursday, while she was going to attend a meeting with her agent after practice nearby Newbury Street, her car collided with a tree because of a brake fail. She got a gash on her forehead and a strain on her shoulder. She has a speculation that there must be someone who's behind this whole thing. She needs urgent effective security to protect her from these unforeseen situations. Her agent has decided to keep her profile low right now for the time being as this accident happened twice with her.

After paying for my coffee and sandwich, I get out off the cafe and take a taxi to reach the desired destination send by Camden. It's nearby Newbury Street.

After almost 20 minutes of travel, I reach the desired destination and call him to inform him about my arrival. On reading my message, he calls me immediately.

"Hello Mr.Kingston!" He greets. "I'm glad that you are able to make this visit on a short notice. A 5'9" feet tall, lean figured, ginger haired guy with black rimmed glasses and freckles on top of his cheeks, dressed in a white turtle neck sweater and beige chinos will be there and the code is - PHC06. He will escort you to us. Just look in your right direction, you will see him. Is it okay?"

"Yeah". With this, I disconnect the call and search for the said guy.

I look in my right direction and see a ginger haired guy with specs perched on top of his nose. I wave at him and it gets his attention and he comes to take me to Philipa's place but not before asking for the code.

We are walking down the street towards an antique shop and then we make a left turn and reach a tudor styled house. When I'm about to enter, a blonde haired guy in brown ensemble stops me out of nowhere.

"Show me your identity card."

"Relax, he is Aiden Kingston from Kingston's Security and he is here to talk about the arrangements for my sister's safety." The auburn haired guy speaks up from my side and the blonde guy nods at him and lets us enter inside of the house.

On entering the house, I see that the walls are oyster white and there are some picture frames of friends, families and three of her with the grand slams hanging from the wall. Turning on my right side, I come across the living console and see a crimson coloured sofa and a dining table beside it and there's my client sitting on the dining table engaged in a serious conversation with her agent and her coach who is hanging onto their words while nodding and their brows are pulled together. When they sense our arrival, they swing their heads to us and give us their attention.

Camden comes and shakes my hand enthusiastically. "Hello Aiden! Thank you for coming."

I return his handshake with generosity and see that the ginger haired guy goes and hugs his sister tightly, assuring her that she is going to be safe.

"Don't worry, Philipa. You will be fine and we will reach to the end of this case to see who's the ultimate person behind all of this until then I need full support from you all." I take a sit on the sofa and lean forward, steepling my fingers between my knees as I regard them. "Kingston's Security's team will make it sure that you get the best possible protection. Now, tell me what are the cents of you'all on this?"


The meeting went longer than I had expected but the silver lining was that I got the privilege of having a taste of authentic Thai food that was made exclusively by Philipa Chen and her mother. She was one of the warmest clients that I got the opportunity to work with.

As I'm strolling through the halls of a local art museum and admiring the beautiful pieces of Renoir and Picasso, I send the details to Michael to facilitate the optimised allocation of protective agents for Philipa. When I'm leaving the museum, the sun has already set down, painting the sky in hues of faded orange and yellow. I quickly make my way towards the main road, take a taxi and go to my hotel Phoenix.

On entering my room, I get freshened up and throw on a pair of an olive coloured full sleeve t-shirt and black lounge pants, I go to the balcony and watch the whole Freedom Trail under lights where people and children, dressed in winter clothing are walking down the street with their friends and families. When I look around, I see a group of musicians standing on the sidewalks of the street is singing the rendition of "Can't help falling in Love" and a group of people are gathering there, swaying to their songs one after the other.

Suddenly, the rain starts pouring down heavily over them and that causes the people to scatter around, looking for the temporary shelters to shield themselves from the onslaught of downpour.

Our lives are also like this. When everything is going good, something unforeseen happens that forsakes the whole life pattern, changing the entire perspective of us towards life.

Shaking my head, I sit on my bed, order room service, mail the important documents to dad and start to watch a criminal documentary series, Lorena on Amazon Prime.


As I finish eating my food, my phone vibrates with messages. After washing my hands, I grab the phone and see some memes send by Cole in our group chat. I react laugh to all the three of them because it is him who knows where to get the memes full of double meanings. Then my eyes snag on the message from Rhea. Curiousity gets the best out of me and I open the chat instantly.

Rhea - Thank you for the surprise parcel.

I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't know I have been holding until I get her message. Quickly, I type out a message to her.

Me - You're most welcome. Again, I'm sorry, I meant it.

I put the phone on the nightstand and lay my head, staring at the halo ceiling, smiling wholeheartedly for the first time in a long period of time.

What's with this woman and her ability to make me smile so often?

Author's Note

Hey guys! I hope you're doing good and has spend this weekend joyfully!

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and lemme know your thoughts and opinions!

Also, have you guys watched this year's Wimbledon?! It was spectacular and thrilling!

Please vote, comment and share this story with your loved ones and make sure to add this story to your favorites! Your support and love is much needed <33.

Happy Reading ❤️

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