Chapter - 19

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Today's the ultimate day for the presentation and I'm fucking nervous as well as thrilled at the same time.

When I'm saving the spreadsheets, my phone dings with messages. Fishing the phone out of my pant's pocket, I see the messages from Cassie, Sam and James, all sending their best wishes to me.

Cassie - Break a leg, Rhea babe! Shine so bright that it will make Aiden smitten with you ;).

Sam - All the best, bestie. Show them who the fuck Rhea Singh Williams is <33!

James - All the best, Rhea <3.

Seeing their messages boosts my confidence level and brings a smile on my face.

After giving them thank you messages for sending their warm wishes to me, I retrieve my notebook from the bag and open my laptop to make this month's expense reports, I see Aiden engaged in his laptop from my periphery.

It takes everything in me not to enter into his cabin, throw myself in his arms and wish him a very happy birthday. My heart bleeds on realising the fact that I wasn't able to wish him happy birthday in the past five years. I messaged him on his 20th and 21st birthday but I didn't get any response from him. Thinking that he has changed his phone number, I stopped messaging him.

Standing from my position, I take the files and approach his cabin. When I enter into his cabin with his permission, I give him the required files on his desk.

"All set for today's presentation?" Aiden's deep voice hit me to the core.

I take deep breath and say, "Yes sir."

Glancing from his laptop, he looks at me from head to toe and my breath picks up from his intense stare. "You're looking stunning today."

My mind is so fogged up with the anxiety for the upcoming presentation that it takes a few seconds for me to understand that Aiden has just complemented me.

Today, I'm wearing an oyster white coloured blazer and pants, adorning the look with a silver necklace around my neck along with my heart shaped locket to give myself a more professional look.

In fact he is looking a bit surprised with his own words.

I blink at him and flash my genuine smile. "Umm Thank you, sir."

Clearing his throat, he shifts his gaze towards the files that I have just given to him. "You're welcome."

When I am about to leave the cabin, his voice stops me. "Rhea?"

I turn around and face him. "Yes?"

He looks at me for a few seconds with those intense hazel eyes and his eyes soften, warm and golden. "Don't worry, Rhea. You can do it. You have the potential in you otherwise I wouldn't have given this responsibility to you. So, quit overthinking and be confident."

I smile thinking that he is still thoughtful like he used to be. "Thank you, sir. It means a lot to me. I won't let you down."

He then gets back to his work and I go to my cabin. When I reach the cabin, I see Alex waiting for me there.

"Alex?" I call him.

When he glances back over his shoulder and sees that it's me, he stands up from the chair and greets me with his ocean blue eyes. "Hey Rhea! I wanted to wish you good luck for your presentation prior to the conference but then I see that you're in boss's cabin so, I thought why not wait for you."

I smile lightly. "Thank you for waiting for me, Alex. I appreciate it."

He dismisses me with a wave of his left hand. "You're being ridiculous. Best of luck for your presentation and make sure that you shine the brightest in the conference room."

I laugh. Alex has been such a great friend and advisor in finance matter to me that I can't explain it in words. "I will."

He grips my shoulder and makes me look into his eyes. "You can and you'll do it. Don't underestimate yourself."

I nod at his words and this infuses determination into my veins.

With this, he exists my cabin and I glance at my watch to see that only thirty minutes are left for the presentation. I quickly get down and have a glance over the presentation one last time.

After 30 minutes, I find myself sitting in a room filled with our and KV Elite Security's important people, including BODs. Augustus Carlson, MD of KV Elite Security is sitting beside me in the conference room. I have heard nothing but great things about him and KV Elite Security. Though his reputation has recently gotten down due to some unfortunate turn of events, no one can be him. It feels surreal to sit beside him. An Auburn haired woman dressed in a white pantsuit is sitting beside Adriana whom I don't know. She must be some important person of KV Elite. Beside her, Grayson is sitting with a serious expression on his face as he is listening to every word that Aiden is saying and he is discussing with his men and Mr. Carlson. When Aiden is finished, he locks his eyes with me telling me that I'm next in line.

My throat is parched like a desert and I'm full of nerves. I wipe my sweaty palms on my pants and give him a subtle nod.

"So, the discussion about the project will be discussed in more detail by Rhea Singh Williams." He looks at me and gestures me to come and continue the presentation.

With jittery legs, I stand up from my position and stand in the centre of the conference room and introduces myself infront of everyone. When I'm introducing myself, Adriana gives me a thumbs up and that makes me smile at her.

Be confident and shine like a goddamn diamond

Taking a deep breath, I face the people and start the discussion with a determined stance.

Author's Note

Oh man! It reminded me of the time when I had to deliver an oral presentation on "Russian Ukraine War - Impact on South East Asia" in the seminar hall of our college infront of hundreds of people with cameras flashing before me. My nerves were all over the place. Anyways, it turned out well and I was praised by the professors :).

So, how did you like this chapter? Think our gurl can ace the presentation? Lemme know in the comments!

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Happy Reading ❤️

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