Beautiful boy

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Dear S...

Seeing you today made my heart burst with joy , speaking to you and making you laugh makes me believe that life is worth living. It scares me how much power you have over me , without even knowing.

It is impossible for me to concentrate on any task with you this close to me , your minty scent filling my mind as well as my heart giving me more comfort then I've ever felt in a long long time.

Your soft masculine features and fair skin contrasting against the bright sun, your warm brown eyes , the colour of the warmest fluffiest baked bread never fails to capture and haunt the beholder.

Your smile , Your smile makes me believe in love again and leaves me with heartwrenching desire , knowing that I could never have you .

Your voice in the softest tone , like honey to my ears , how I long for you to say my name

And call me yours...

Your Friend...

NOTE: Thank you guys for the reads , Truly wasn't expecting that . Lots of love💗💗💗💗

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