I wish

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Dear S...

Your smile alone makes the sun jealous, your aura alone makes the world feel worth living

In a crowded room I search for you as if I am lost at sea , looking and begging for a way out ....an escape.

As I write this with tears in my eyes, I've realized how bad I've become , the loneliness came back and it's worse than ever . I can't eat , I can't sleep and when I do I'm scared to dream , to dream of you . I wake up with tears in my eyes because I don't ever want to wake up from you . I'm sorry if I sound desperate, or out of control even , I'm slipping away , I'm spiraling and losing control of my life.

I know others have it worst and I shouldn't complain at all , but on days like this when I'm holding on to the little hope I have , I wish I could just talk to you , I wish it would be you to hold me and look me in the eyes and tell me..

"Everything will be okay"

I wish it would be you I can come home to to tell all my problems and I wish it would be you to tell me you loved me in the depths of my despair.

When I have nothing else to hold on to , I wish it was you , with every living fibre of my being , I wish it was you .

Your Friend , A

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