Always in our hearts(2)

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Guys it's a long chapter, hope you enjoy

Bhuvi was currently on a flight to Ranchi, he was glad to have gotten the window seat and no one really disturbed him in the business class. He looked outside the window and flashbacks of his time with the team came rushing back

"Bhuvi, ask Rohit to not eat biscuits" Virat said whining
These times he wished the most Mahi bhai would be there
"Let him eat Virat, he can workout later" Bhuvi replied looking up from messaging his wife.
"Hahahahaha, he didn't scold me. Cheeku got cheekued" Rohit said roaring with laughter
"Bhuvi, tell him to..." Before Virat could complete, Rohit jumped on him, making them both fall and the whole team roared with laughter, with jaddu and Harry being the loudest ofcourse.

His entire journey was just that, he remembered those memorable times he spent with the team.
Sakshi had told Mahi that his kiddo was coming, which one she didn't tell. She wanted to see his reaction too. His guess was, it would be either Harry or yuzi, obviously they're those insane people who can decide to travel at the middle of the night. Sakshi stiffled a laughter, oh what surprise awaited him.
Bhuvi finally reached Ranchi, on his way to Mahi bhai's home, he let the nature calm him. He rang the bell and it was Sakshi bhabhi who opened the door.
"Hi Bhuvi, how are you?" She asked hugging him
"I'm well not really fine, how are you? And did you already know I was coming?" Bhuvi asked hugging her back, knowing already that his wife must have told her.
"Well, yeah Nupur informed me. But I haven't told Mahi so it's a surprise for him" as soon as she finished that statement, they could hear him coming towards the door
"Who's it Sakshi? Which kiddo? Harry or yuzi? Or..." His words died in his mouth as he saw Bhuvi standing there smiling in a very jaddu like manner.
He shook his head and looked again to make sure if he got that right, and yes it really was Bhuvi. Bhuvi and Sakshi laughed at his reaction
"You don't remember me, do you?" Bhuvi asked, wanting to make a joke. But it came off quite sad.
"No, how could I forget that innocent faced boy, who can roast people in the blink of an eye?" Mahi bhai said engulfing him in a bear hug. Bhuvi hugged back tighter, burrying his head in his Mahi bhai's shoulders. Mahi being Mahi immediately recognised something was terribly wrong with him. Why else would he, the sanest guy among his bunch of kiddos suddenly decide to come to visit him? He took the boy in and made him sit, while Sakshi went in the kitchen to get him something to eat as Nupur had told her that he hadn't eaten anything since he left.

"So, tell me what brings you here kiddo?" Mahi asked softly
"Why? Can't I come to meet my Mahi bhai?" Bhuvi retorted, seeming offended by that question.
"Ofcourse you can, but you are not the kind to visit all of a sudden without informing me. You know?" Mahi explained, calmly as usual.
"Um well, Mahi bhai I..." Bhuvi was at a loss of words. He didn't want to seem like an envious guy, who couldn't be happy at his team's success, even though he was happy he just felt empty. He didn't want to come across asa self centred guy who cared for himself only
"Bhuvi, you know you can share anything with me. I'll never judge you" the words were so comforting, Bhuvi's eyes brimmed with tears.
Mahi bhai pulled him in a hug and that's when he let go, he cried and cried in his arms until his tears went dry.
He finally opened up
"Mahi bhai, I miss playing for India. I miss the team. Even though the team is doing so well this year, I feel empty. I wanted to be there too Bhai. I wanted to avenge you too. I wanted to contribute in healing the hearts of millions of indians as well as us. I am happy for then, I really am but I want to be there. I'm being selfish, right bhai? Everyone in the team deserves their positions and it would be so unfair to them. Yesterday I watched the match and seeing them goofing around on the field, I couldn't help miss the team more Mahi bhai. I want to be there, but not at the cost of anyone else. I... I just..."
Bhuvi was in tears again, trying to speak. Mahi bhai took him in a hug and rubbed circles on the boy's back to calm him down. After calming him down mahi bhai decided to speak

"It's normal to feel that way Bhuvi, you miss playing for India, you miss the team. You don't despise anyone from the current team, because you know they're talented and deserve their positions. You just wish you were there to contribute in some way. You're not being selfish Bhuvi, infact you're really selfless. You're loved by so many people you know? The whole team, the whole nation loves you "
Mahi bhai explained in the calmest and softest tone
"But does the team really miss or love me? I haven't talked to them in MONTHS!!" Bhuvi now just felt anger building up
"I'm sure they do Bhuvi" this time it was Sakshi, with a plate of food in her hands
"Bhuvi, why don't you eat and sleep for tonight? We'll talk more tomorrow" mahi bhai said, more like commanded because otherwise he wouldn't have agreed.
Bhuvi had his food and slept beside Mahi bhai, as he caressed his hairs.
While Bhuvi slept, Mahi bhai had other plans, and that he was sure this would make Bhuvi happy.
Bhuvi woke up at 12:30 the next day, absolutely horrified.
"Afternoon, kiddo" Mahi bhai wished
"Bhai, why didn't you wake me earlier? I think I even broke Rohit's sleeping record" Bhuvi said still horrified
"I'm sure you didn't Bhuvi, he once slept until 3 on his off day" Mahi answered chuckling
"Come on get ready, I've to show you something" saying this Mahi bhai went out, leaving Bhuvi confused and curious.

Half an hour later, they were sitting on the couch in front of the TV, and ignoring Bhuvi's questions, he switched the tv on.
The first person on the screen was Rohit

Bhuvi, kesa hai? Kya bolu terko. Yk I love you, we all do. Sorry terse baat nahin hui zyada but tu abhi bhi mera "innocent dost" hai aur humesha rahega. Nothing can change that, and remember I love you more than Virat

Bhuvi bhai, hello. You know I always feared your bowling, whenever you bowled to me in those IPL matches, I just tried not to get out. You're amazing Bhuvi bhai, and we love you

You were my first choice, you still are.
I know I used to irritate you a lot and no matter how annoyed you tried to look, I knew that you loved me the most. More than Rohit. But that's not the point, the point is I love you more than Rohit

We have played a few times together and against each other and it has been a delight both the times. Let's say it was better when we were in the same, I didn't have to worry about how to play you. Love you bro

Hey buddy, how're you doing? We miss you here, we miss your savage responses out of nowhere. Those always left us in splits, because of that innocent face of yours. Love to you buddy

Hi swing king, hope you're doing well. A huge fan this side. You're my favourite bowler. Love you

Don't be too disheartened buddy, I was watching 2011 wc from home too. The point is, you'll rise higher, such lows can't defeat talent like my brother

Bhuvi bhaiya, you were my favourite bowling partner back then. And even now if someone asks it'll be you, AND ONLY YOU

Hey swing king, I really want to learn swing from you. Kabhi is chote miya ko bhi sikhana

You were the best then, you're the best now. Nothing and no one can change that, not even you. I believe in you

Can I curse? Fuckk those media comparisons between us, I admire you a lot and always will. Sirf pyaar apko mere bhai

Bowlers special
You're always in our hearts ❤️

By the end of the video Bhuvi was in tears, Mahi bhai hugged him and said," See? They all love you. But between Rohit and Virat, I think it's clear I love you the most "
Bhuvi just tightened the hug, thanking god for giving him friends who loved him like a brother, a family member.

Ok guys this is my first TS, do let me know what think about it? I just realised the theme is somewhat similar to one of bleedblue2011 story, just it was Rohit who missed 2011 WC. Idk, hope I'm not reported for this 😭😭

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