I trust you (Mahirat)

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"No bhai, I can't do this. No" Virat said it for the hundredth time but it seemed to him that Mahi bhai had turned a deaf ear to his pleas

"You have to cheeku, I know you can do it. You'll do better than me I'm sure"

"Better than you? Stop joking around bhai, it's not funny " Virat said, his voice raising

"Let's talk when we meet face to face, ok Virat?"

"No matter what bhai, I'm not doing this. You can't just retire from tests. I won't let you. You're the best captain, how can I even come close to that?"

"Stop thinking like that. Like I said you'll do better than me. Let's talk in person ok?"

"Ok, bye "

Mahi knew his kiddo will be angry at him. But this was the right choice. He was sure that Indian test team will excel under Virat's captaincy. And he had to convince him to agree and take Indian test team to new heights.
Virat was fidgety once he reached the hotel,waiting for Mahi bhai to come. This was noticed by Suresh Raina as he came towards him and patted his shoulders in comfort. Virat smiled slightly and looked at the entrance again.

As soon as he saw his mahi bhai enter he ran towards him and gave him a hug. Mahi patted his back and smiled at him. He looked at his bestfriend who showed him a "handle your kid" expression and he laughed silently.

"Come on cheeku let's go to a room and we'll talk then"

"I won't listen, you aren't retiring and that's final"

"Acha baba, let's go atleast"

Once they were inside his and Sonu's shared room, he looked at the young boy and told him to sit. Virat noticed the discomfort on his face when he walked and it seemed like his Mahi bhai won't be playing the first test atleast.

"Mahi bhai, are you injured? How did you get hurt?" Virat asked, concerned

"Nothing, just the stupid back pain. Don't worry"

"You'll play the first test?"

"I hope I can, anyway that's not the point here. I'm retiring after this series cheeku. Maybe even after the third one, I don't know really. But this will be my last series. BCCI has approved already"

"BHAI! I told you, you can't retire. Not just yet. You can play a lot more. And how do you expect me to captain without you?"

"You have captained before without me. Remember?"

"But that was just for a few times, how can I Captain permanently? And why are you choosing me as the captain anyway!? I can't do this. "

"You can cheeku, I know you can. You'll be a much better test captain than me. I know it "

"Don't retire bhai, I'll captain fine, but stay for a while. Help me settle atleast " Virat said, now hugging his brother and captain. His eyes on the verge of tears.

"I'll be there in other formats, but this is test cricket. It throws a lot of tests your way. And this is one of them cheeku. Take this test, this challenge and score such marks that people call you the topper of this test. I know you can do it, I trust you. You'll become the undoubted topper"

"You think so?" Virat asked, now sniffing softly. His head buried in his bhai's shoulder

"I know so kiddo, I know so. Chin up champ" he said ruffling his hair.

Virat looked up, wiped his tears and smiled.

"Ok, I'll let you retire but promise me bhai, you won't retire so soon from the other formats." He said forwarding his hand.

"I promise, I'll stay for the next 5 years atleast " Mahi said, keeping his hand on Virat's

"5? Play till 10 atleast or maybe 20?" Virat said grinning sheepishly

"You want me to play, with white hair and while I'm limping due to old age?" He smacked his head lightly

"Maybe " Virat laughed, earning another smack on his head

As Virat had thought Mahi bhai couldn't play the first test due to his injury and he had to captain again. And boy did he miss having Mahi bhai behind the stumps. When he got to know Mahi bhai was playing the second test he was beaming positively.

Even though Virat knew that his mahi Bhai could retire mid series, he wasn't really expecting it. But when during the post presentation ceremony, he announced it and appointed him the new captain he felt like crying again. He was busy with everyone coming to him and asking him some stupid questions which he didn't want to answer. He had seen his Mahi bhai go inside the dressing room and he wanted to be with him. But these stupid reporters won't let him.

When he reached, he saw Sonu Bhai, Ash and Mahi bhai sitting together, while Mahi bhai talked about his bike collection. He looked at his eyes and they looked red. Had he cried? Was the first question his heart asked but his brain shook it off, mahi bhai doesn't cry. Ash noticed him standing

"Virat, come na"

"Mahi bhai, what were you talking about?" He asked even though he wanted to ask,"did you cry?"

"Just about my bike collection and about my home town "

Virat nodded and sat in an empty space beside Mahi bhai. He rested his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Don't cry bhai, I'll try my best. I won't break your trust" Virat whispered, drifting in a slumber.

"Thank you cheeku, I trust you" he said patting his head lovingly

This was requested by Ash2029
Hope you like it, I don't know if it matches your expectations. I actually started watching cricket in 2014-15 so my memory of that year is a bit clouded but anyway. Next I'll be writing a ts. It's actually kind of a rom-com. There will be mentions of Shubsara. But I'll majorly write about three ICT bonds in that. It'll take some time to write this one. But I'll update as soon as I can
Ok that's it for my rant. Bye
Bleed blue 💙

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