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"Iruka-Sensei." Naruto

Naruto what happened to Sasuke." Iruka

"He got knocked out by Naruto." Sakura wanted to say but she didn't want to piss off Naruto

"Sasuke here got bitten by a guy named Orochimaru." Naruto

Iruka's eyes widened when heard the name of the former sanin.

He looked at Sasuke's neck to see the curse Mark

"I have to inform lord Hokage of this." Iruka thought

He led the three into the tower and
took Sasuke to the medical staff in the tower. After Iruka did that he left to report Sasuke's situation to the Hokage.

When team 7 arrived they saw Team Eight and the sand team were the first teams to arrive.

"I hope the next exam will be more entertaining" Naruto thought

Few days later

The second phase of the exams was now over, the teams that made it were: Team seven, eight and ten, Guy's team, the sound team, the sand team and Kabuto's team.

The teams assembled in an arena with the Hokage standing in front of the Genin with their Jounin-Senseis behind him.

Hiruzen told the genin that the Chunin exams serve the purpose of not only testing ninja, but also of moderating the levels of the ninja in each nation as well as developing friendship.

'Just tell me the details of the exam I can handle anything you can throw at me.' Said Gaara when the Hokage finished speaking and answering other questions.

'Very well I will now tell you exactly what the details of the third exam are.' Said the Hokage.

Just then Hayate appeared bowing in front of the Hokage and asked him if he could speak first, to which the Hokage obliged.

Hayate explained that they needed to hold a preliminary as there were too many people which was meet with cries of outrage, but he justified it by talking about the fact that many important nobles and feudal lords would be coming to see them and they didn't want to waste their time and that they were only looking for the best of the best shinobi.

The preliminaries will begin immediately if any of you *cough* aren't in top physical condition *cough* now is the time to quit.' Said Hayate.

Kabuto gave up but no one else did. Sakura wanted Sasuke to, but he told her that the only reason he fights is to test himself and that all the best are here.

'So what am I supposed to just watch you suffer? I can't bear to watch.' Cried Sakura.

'Then don't watch. But stay out of it has nothing to do with you. I am an avenger whether I become a Chunin or not means less than nothing to me. My goal is to test myself against the best and the best of the best are all here.' Replied Sasuke.

'Sasuke she cares about you, you don't have to be so mean.' Naruto said playfully

'Hmmph 'Sasuke

"You are the one I want to fight the most." Sasuke thought as he looked at Naruto

'Now, the preliminaries will follow sudden death elimination of one-on-one matches with only the winner moving on to the third exam. As for the rules there are none, you will fight until one dies or concedes defeat or is rendered physically incapable of continuing. Naturally those who are losing are encouraged to quit, to avoid having a fatal outcome, also as proctor I will intervene if the situation seems hopeless to save as many lives as possible. Now we will see what fate is in store for you.' Said Hayate.

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