19: Kisame vs Uraume

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Kisame’s sharp eyes locked onto Uraume’s, the tension between them intense. “I’d rather not fight an old comrade,” Kisame said, his voice a deep rumble, betraying a hint of regret.

Uraume’s lips curled into a smug smile. “That’s a lie. You killed our comrades before. Remember?” Uraume’s voice was cold, piercing through Kisame’s attempt at peace.

With a solemn look, Kisame gave his last warning. “This is your final chance. Stand down.”

Uraume’s expression turned dark. “Anyone who comes after my master will pay, comrade or not.” Uraume’s eyes glinted with deadly resolve as they prepared for battle.

Kisame sighed, a look of resignation crossing his face as he removed Samehada from his back. “So be it.”

The battle began with Uraume’s hands weaving through the air, summoning a barrage of Glacial Spikes from the ground. The jagged ice shot toward Kisame with incredible speed. Kisame evaded nimbly, his agility defying his massive frame. Each spike that came too close was parried by Samehada, the sword absorbing the kinetic energy but unable to devour the cursed energy within the ice.

As Kisame closed the distance, Uraume thrust their hand forward, aiming to make contact with Kisame’s flesh with his Frozen Touch. Kisame read the move and countered, sidestepping and bringing Samehada down in a powerful arc. Uraume barely managed to dodge.

Kisame, realizing the futility of close combat, performed a series of hand seals, summoning a massive wave of water that flooded the area.

Both combatants utilized the water walking technique, their feet skimming the surface as they continued their duel

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Both combatants utilized the water walking technique, their feet skimming the surface as they continued their duel. Kisame took advantage of the newly created aquatic battlefield, launching a Water Shark Bullet Technique.

The water shark surged towards Uraume, who responded with a Cryogenic Blast(Uraume Releases a wave of freezing air that instantly freezes anything in its path), freezing the projectile mid-air

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The water shark surged towards Uraume, who responded with a Cryogenic Blast(Uraume Releases a wave of freezing air that instantly freezes anything in its path), freezing the projectile mid-air.

Kisame charged again, his movements fast and powerful. Uraume evaded with grace, his feet barely disturbing the water’s surface. He retaliated with a swift combination of kicks and punches, his limbs reinforced with cursed energy. Kisame blocked with Samehada, the sword’s scales rippling with each impact.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16 ⏰

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