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"Naruto-kun" Hinata thought sadly

Everyone was tense. Most of them were staring at Naruto.

"What's the hold up. Let's get on with the next match." Naruto

"Let's continue." Hayate

Shikamaru sighed.

"I guess I can't blame him." Shikamaru thought as he recalled how the villagers and academy students treated Naruto growing up

He was brought out of his thoughts as Asuma tapped his shoulder.

"It's your turn" Asuma

Shikamaru looked at the board.

Shikamaru Nara VS Kin Tsuchi.

Shikamaru wasn't too happy about this as he drawled out, "Guess it's me." His hands in his pockets as he waited for his opponent to come down to the ground floor and face him.

"I expect nothing less than a win Shikamaru" Naruto said as Shikamaru walked passed him

"Better give it my all. What a drag" Shikamaru thought

His team was cheering him on.

"Shikamaru, come on. You can do it. You can win this, no problem." Ino encouraged.

"OK, OK." Shikamaru gruffly replied.

"All you have to do is tell yourself, I cannot lose. Right?" Ino encouraged him further.

Beside her, Choji wasn't quite pleased with Ino's new attitude. 'Man, when did she get so darn enthusiastic?' He complained in his mind.

Kin left the balcony to go and fight her match.

Ino meanwhile continued her cheers. "Yeah, Ok. Here we go, Shikamaru. Make that little girl cry."

"Oh man, this is such a drag. I mean, give me a break. I gotta fight a girl?" Shikamaru complained as he ignored Ino, his hands still in his pockets.

"Yeah, you just keep thinking that way, little man." Kin replied angerly

"Ready?" The proctor called out.

'Oh, well.' Shikamaru

"Six match." Hayate announced.

'Nothing I can do.' Shikamaru thought.

Both prepared themselves as Hayate addressed them.

"Shikamaru and Kin. Begin."

Shikamaru didn't waste a moment as his hands flew to form the ninja hand sign of the rat. The only hand sign required for his clans signature technique, the Shadow Possession jutsu.

It's all I've got." He muttered.

No matter what try you will lose." Kin

Ninja art, Shadow Possession Jutsu." Shikamaru said as he activated his jutsu, his shadow stretching towards Kin from his body, attached only by his feet.

"Is that all you know? If that's the only trick you've got, this is going to be easier than I thought." Kin informed him as she jumped away from the approaching shadow.

Shikamaru tensed as he heard the sound of bells. Kin having thrown two senbon with bells attached as she jumped away. Ducking, the belled needles went over his head as they imbedded themselves into the wall behind him.

Looking over his shoulder, Shikamaru quickly thought of the purpose of these objects and what strategy the sound Kunoichi had in mind. "Bells? Oh, please. Not that old trick." Shikamaru said with a chuckle and a smirk.

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