Chapter 2: School

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Starting a new day by eating breakfast prepared by Mila, I am now getting ready to head to school. Today is the day our research teacher will give permission to proceed with our research paper. After finishing my breakfast, I gather my things, take a shower, and put on my leather suit over my school uniform. I make a final check to ensure I haven’t forgotten anything before heading to the garage to start my bike’s engine.

Mila approaches me and asks “Mr. Sunny, can I ride with you? I’m going to the convenient store, I’m gonna buy some raw ingredients for dinner later.”

“Ah, yes you may” I agreed,  and she goes back inside the house to get ready. After a few minutes, the bike’s engine is warmed up, and Mila finally went outside. She looks stunning in her simple outfit, accentuating her body’s shape and gorgeous features, complemented by her long black hair.
“You look beautiful, Mila,” I said absentmindedly.

“So you do know how to flirt, Sunny. Thanks,” she chuckles.
“Flirt?” I scoff at her comment and gesture for her to hop on the bike. She wraps her arms around my waist.

“Don’t you dare tickling me if you don’t want to eat a mouthful of asphalt” I warned her, she replied with a chuckle. “Okay, okay, I won’t.”

After dropping Mila off at the convenient store, I head straight for school. As I enter the school zone, I notice people talking and gossiping, stealing glances at me. I park my bike and head to our classroom.

A friend of mine greets me and mentioned, “Good morning Sunny, you’re later than your usual arrival on school, ey? A bunch of students said that they saw you riding with a girl just this morning”

“She’s Mila, and what’s the matter with it?” Confused, I ask what the matter is.
“Nothing really, but congrats on finally finding yourself a girlfriend” He said loudly intentionally. He retreated, running back to his own classroom beside mine.
“Eh? Really?” “So she really is his—” The students around us starts whispering and speculating.

“Oh great Mike, you’ve putted me into great bullshit” Annoyed for what Mike did, I seated to my assigned seat and tried to focus on the coming lectures. Finally, our instructor in research have granted permission to advance our research further.
Time passes by, and the bell rang, it is now lunch break.

“How can I clean this misunderstanding. How could it probably gets worse?” Disdaining about my current situation, I quickly ordered some food and got seated.
“Oh Sunny, here you are.” My friend Mike sees me and approaches me.

“Don’t you know what you’ve done?” I express my annoyance at him for causing the misunderstanding about Mila being my girlfriend. I explained that she is our maid.
“Eh, she’s not?” Mike said without a hint of seriousness. “So, where does she resides?” He asked.

“At our residence, she’s a maid of our family”

“She already resides at your residence!?” He shouted like he didn’t hear the last part of my reply. “Oh, she’s a maid of your family?” he said a little silently, only the two of us could hear.

“You f—, ugh, why do have I friend like you?” I said with a defeated look. “Yes, she is, and we don’t have kind of intimate relationship.”

“Oh, I wish we had a maid as beautiful as her~” he said teasingly, “What if, if your parents adopted or have taken her just to get you two engaged in the future?”

“What kind of imagination is that? Could you be more serious and realistic?” I said with a defeated look, there’s no point arguing with this airheaded friend of mine.

“Today’s class is only half day, so have fun with~” Tapping my shoulder several times before leaving.

After finishing my meal, I left the canteen and headed to where my bike is parked.
Meanwhile, at the entrance of the school, students noticed Mila and start talking about her.

“Isn’t she the girl that Sunny—?”
“She is!”
“She must be waiting for Sunny”
“Oh… she’s beautiful”

As I near the gate of the school, I noticed more students than usual and wondered why they haven’t gone home. Frustrated by the constant stares, I want to get home quickly. Just as I’m about to speed through the highway, a voice of a woman calls out my name, “Sunny!” gathering the attention of most of the students.

Looking where the voice come from, I saw Mila and the students around the gate of the school where locked on us. “Oh, f—,” I think to myself, realizing that the misunderstanding has only gotten worse.

Unconventional Affection: Discovering Love in our Maid's PresenceWhere stories live. Discover now