Over the Years

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That following week was hard for Bruce. The Manor felt and was emptier than ever before.

Alfred tried his best, but there was only so much the old butler could do.

It didn't help that they had to attend the funeral, but at least Bruce had some closure, knowing that his parents' murderer was apprehended. A low-life by the name of Joe Chill. A hired hitman who's contractor is unknown.

One day Alfred offered Sylas and Selina a place to stay at the Manor, mostly to keep Bruce company. They accepted and soon they started living in the Manor.

Sylas soon quit his job at Falcone's restaurant, telling the mob boss that he was worried about the potential gang war between Falcone and Cobblepot- who had earned the nickname the Penguin- and that his sibling might get caught in the cross fire. The mobster understood and let him leave.

Six years later and Bruce's life hadn't gotten all that better. He became angrier, much darker. Selina has moved out long ago, left Gotham even, do her own thing she said.

Bruce also decided to leave. He decided to travel the globe, to study and learn.

What he wanted to study, he didn't say. But soon enough it was just Sylas and Alfred. Alfred had become a surrogate father to Sylas over the years. Sylas had grown to love and respect the humble butler.

Gotham had already met Sylas Kyle. Now having ditched the Red wig for a black one and having his bright green eyes on display, rather than wearing blue contacts. He soon became known throughout the city. Through various newpapers and charity events that Bruce would let him host, he quickly gained popularity and was seen as the silver son of Gotham.

Soon after Bruce went on his travels, Sylas was made acting CEO of Wayne Enterprises- where he hired a young Lucius Fox into the mix.

He would host various charities throughout the years. His charities were directed to poverty, orphanages and reconstruction. Sylas had improved the lives of everyone in Gotham.

He went on to do this for the next 12 years. Gotham had changed for the better. But with all his efforts, there was only so much he could do. Crime was still rampant. Mobsters like Falcone, and Maroni. New arrivals like Penguin and Roman Sionis who would later be known as Black Mask, were doing whatever they wanted.

So, Sylas donned a new suit- with the help of Lucius Fox- he wore a black, dark purple and silver suit, with a silver fur collar and a black mask with cat ears. His white hair exposed to the cool night air.

At night he would travel through the city, fighting crime, but more importantly, he would steal from the crime lords and leave them without a pennie.

He would be know to Gotham as Silver Mane. The money he would steal from criminals, he would then give that money to the various charities that he would host- giving back what was leeched from the people. But life as a Vigilante wasn't easy, especially when the police are after you. Even worse when most went under the crime bosses' payrolls.

But once word got out that the crime bosses were starting to lose money, the cops weren't so easily bought off. But some bad apples still remained.

But then one day everything changed.

Bruce had come returned to Gotham. And he changed- a lot. To say Bruce was good-looking was a huge understatement. He was downright gorgeous. Sylas couldn't believe his eyes when he first saw him.

Sylas was also very handsome but Bruce was on another level. Sylas blushed for the first time when he saw Bruce again.

And it wasn't just his face, his body also went throught a drastic change. Bruce was ripped- the man was built- Sylas was awestruck. Sylas had a slim yet muscular body, nothing compared to Bruce. And on top of that, Bruce's voice had become deeper more suave. Overall puberty hit Bruce like a freight train.

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