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Christmas Eve, truly a most wonderful time of the year, for most anyway. For a few it's a dark reminder of the tragic death of Thomas and Martha Wayne. The night that made Bruce an orphan, and ultimately led him down the path to becoming the Vigilante, Batman.

Tonight was like any other, Sylas was relaxing in his Penthouse. Normally he would spend Christmas at the Manor with Bruce and Alfred, but for the past two years it has been cancelled due to Bruce's nightly activities, but that doesn't stop Sylas from suiting up and spending the night with them as SilverMane.

After Sylas's Masked Gala, where SilverMane confronted Bruce about him being Batman, Bruce told Alfred about it. Safe to say Alfred was shocked but not at all worried. When asked why, Alfred said that in the many years that SilverMane has been active he had known him to be very compassionate and honorable man. And that while SilverMane likes to toy with others, he always keeps his word. Alfred reassures Bruce that SilverMane will keep Bruce's secret lest he compromise his honor and integrity.

Alfred's reassurance did little to ease Bruce's mind. But over the past two years SilverMane has proven to be a trust worthy ally and only recently did Alfred convince Bruce to allow SilverMane access into their private radio frequency, which has ultimately proven quite useful.

Usually, Sylas's nights with the Bat were pretty long. But this Christmas Eve was going to be even longer.

Sylas overheard from his police radio that Roman Sionis a.k.a. Black Mask had broken into Blackgate Prison, and was holding Commisioner Loeb hostage. "And so it begins." Sylas said suiting up, then heading ever to Blackgate.

Once there on the rooftop, it didn't take long for Sylas to hear the jet engine of the bat-shaped plane, called the Batwing, as it flew by with Batman dropping out of it and landing next to Sylas. "Thought I'd see you tonight." SilverMane spoke. "Black Mask. What do you know?" Batman asked sternly. "Probably as much as you. Commisioner Loeb and probably some other officers have been taken hostage. Knowing our friend Sionis, the Warden and a lot of guards will either be dead or badly injured." Sylas stated. "Then let's get to work." The Bat said as they made their way through some debris.

As they maneuvered through the rubble they saw Warden Joseph being beat up by one of Black Mask's men, but Batman made quick work of him. When Bats turned to the Warden, the Warden was about to attack him, but Sylas stepped in. "It's alright Joseph, you're safe"

"SilverMane! Thank God you're here!"

"It's alright. Just breath, Okay? Now, tell us who tore through this place." Seconds later they heard a loud roar echo through the prison. "That answers that question." Sylas spoke "I don't know what it is. Its an animal."

"Where's Black Mask?" Batman questioned. " I don't know where he is. One of his men might know." Warden Joseph replied.

"Thank you Warden. Go and find a safe place to hide, we'll go after Black Mask" Sylas stated as he and Batman went further into the Prison. "Hey. I might have an idea where Sionis is headed. I heard that Julian Day, the Calender Man, was going to be executed tomorrow. Sionis may have taken Loeb down to the execution chamber to maybe free Calender Man and kill Loeb in a sick twisted plan." Sylas stated. "Maybe." Batman replied.

As the two maneuvered through the prison, they encountered many escaped prisoners as well as Black Mask's men.

They also noticed a surveillance drone flying around, whoever it belongs to might give us a lead. Then they saw the one causing all the damage. A large Crocodile man. "Jones?" Sylas looked shocked. "Friend of yours?"

"If its who I think it is, then this got a lot tougher." Sylas stated.

Traveling deeper into the prison they saw Vicky Vale and her news crew held captive by Black Mask's men. The two Vigilante's made quick work of Sionis's men. "SilverMane! Thank God!"

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