Aries: pushes people down the slide
Taurus: makes mudpies and eats them
Gemini: tries to dig a hole to China in the sandbox
Cancer: falls off monkey bars and breaks arm
Leo: rules the entire playground
Virgo: gets WAY too into their game of house
Libra: sees who weighs more on the seesaw
Scorpio: starts a fire using wood chips
Sagittarius: is afraid of cooties and yells a lot
Capricorn: destroys everyone in a swing contest
Aquarius: graffitis the playground with chalk
Pisces: plays with their imaginary friend
Zodiac Signs
AcakAries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces YOU KNOW YOU WANNA READ IT!!! Just kidding You don't have to I'd be nice though