40) Laziem's farewell kiss

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         "Laziem!" I yelled banging the tall door. "Lazieeeem!"

My bangs were loud and annoying. But I had been screaming his name for four minutes with no results. No one had bothered come and ask what the problem was. And I knew very well that at least the servants could hear me.

    "I swear I'll knock this door down if you don't show up!" I yelled as loud as I could.


I took five steps back on my bare feet, and started preparing my body for an attack. With every breath I took, I summoned more and more energy to occupy my palms. The purple glow slowly accumulated around my hands.

    One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
I counted in my head, being merciful to them. But they still didn't come.

At least I had tried being a good prisoner for a while, right?

My hands lifted, palms facing the door. "Sorry Laziem," I whispered and made a full spin before thrusting all the energy at the door.
A loud bang immediately roared out as the door came loose and as it fell out to smack on the hallway floor. The sound was too terrifying. It pierced my ears like sharp arrows, leaving echoes of it in there.

     There wasn't any time to stand there and comfort my ears, I had to find a way to get to the underworld. Something was calling out to me. It was more than Michael's request to save Hades. This feeling was etched deep in my soul somewhere, growing stronger with each thought of getting to the second realm.

My small feet quickly rushed over the flattened door and onto the colder floor before rushing towards the house portal at the end of the hallway.

    I hopped into the portal, and appeared on the second floor. Without hesitation, I jumped into it again to finally appear on the ground floor. Why I hadn't gone through the first floor was a mystery I wasn't  interested at the time.

   All that I could afford to think of was how to get to the underworld.

As my naked feet ran down the large hallway, I felt a presence around me but could not see it. The servants I saw on the hallway did not dare say anything or stop me. They just watched me race on the hallway like a madwoman.

      "Stop!" An order blasted through the hallway as I was about to reach the exit doors. Freedom was a few breaths away, but my feet could no longer move.
I felt frozen. Immobilized.

   "Let go!" I barked, enraged by whoever had dared to attack me.

   "Let go?" Laziem snorted, his voice sounding more closer. It was him. He had robbed me of my mobilization.

Like a gentle wind, the male floated past me, bringing with him a sweet fragrance that started corrupting my senses.

   "Damaged my door. Tried running away. What should I do with you?"

    "Send me to the underworld. I promise I'll return to pay for my bad behavior."

  "Ooh?!" Laziem slowly moved closer, his purple eyes studying my face then down to the tip of my toes. "What's there that makes you so, excited?"

The air suddenly felt hostile, and the a terrifying darkness quietly dawned in from the disappearing sunlight.
His eyes, they were glowing, so did the thin golden and purple streaks of his hair.
    Could it be that he was, angry?

"I...I...I..." I stuttered, blind fear caressing every inch of my soul.
   This fear was different.
It felt like it had always been there, just like the specs of hatred and admiration I had for him.

    "You want to go help your beloved?"

My mouth opened, yet no words came out.
The evil look on his damn handsome face felt so familiar. So, wicked.

A soft hand slid on my face, cupping my left jaw. It felt cold and warm against my skin, yet so gentle.
    Laziem's face creeped in silently, his eyes gazing into mine as if evaluating my reaction. I remained indifferent, and simply waited for whatever he wanted to do.

    "Close your eyes," Laziem whispered.

I fought against his order, but the strange force overpowered me, having my eyelids shut against my will.

   A pair of soft cold lips joined mine, and his cold-warm breaths mingled with mine as he kissed me in a delicate manner. The fear inside me dissipated temporarily ,so did the hate. The kiss, it caused some similar images to flash through my head. But they vanished just as fast as they had come.

    Why did it feel like I was familiar with Laziem. As if he had kissed me before, and not in the carriage. As if he had done this countless times in the past.

   When he withdrew, my eyelids parted, welcoming the calmed side of Laziem.
The glow had faded, and sunlight could now make its way on the hallway once more.

   "You won't be going alone," he stayed, rubbing the corner of my lips.

  "Your Majesty?" The butler materialized by my side bowing.

   "Accompany her to the underworld," Laziem gave his order, averting his eyes on the second male. "Protect her."
After his brief instructions, Laziem lifted his beautiful bare feet a few inches off of the ground then floated behind me. When his presence vanished, his hold on me weakened, freeing me.

I whirled around, my heart still racing from his kiss. But he was...gone.


     Due to my inability to fly like, everyone, Aimon arranged a means of transportation for us.
He had asked me to wait outside the palace. And waiting I did.

A distant animal roar shuddered the air, followed by sounds of wings flapping. From their intensity, I knew whatever was about to appear was a large bird.
    From the south, a large shadow fell on the clouds. It was flying down towards the palace, showing its dominance over whatever stood below.
When it broke through the white puffy clouds, the shock it instilled in my heart knocked me back a few steps.

    Its wings were the size of a commercial plane. Its body was that of a lion, strong and bigger. It wore a golden armor on its head, abdomen and legs, giving it a majestic appearance.

On its back, stood Aimon, his hair dancing to the wind while seeming so calm and collected despite the speed the animal was flying at.

    "Gawd no," I whimpered to myself. Afraid of even the sight of the beast.

It flapped its large silver wings till it landed a distance from me. Sending a strong wave of wind my way. The clothes I wore were blown up, exposing my inner clothes to Aimon.

   My hands were quick to push down the dress, but not too quick.

     "We need to leave," Aimon announced from up on the beast, acting as if he had seen nothing. Maybe from his long existence, nothing actually ticked him any longer.

"I need help," I admitted, tucking away my previous embarrassment.

    After a single breath, Aimon appeared at my side. "My apologies," he breathed.

  "Why are-" I was whisked up on the lion, his hand on my waist.

As soon as we landed on the beast's back, Aimon snapped away from me like I had a plague. He cleared his throat, positioning his left hand behind him. A typical butler posture.

    "You should sit."

"Oh! Okay."

I obeyed. Sat on the soft fur that tickled my exposed skin.

    "You may feel dizzy as we go through the realm boundaries. But it won't last long. Just make sure you don't fall off the griffin."
His instructions sounded simple, but I was new to this. What if I fell as we exited heaven and got lost in the space between?
Was there any space between the realms?

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