2. Nightmare

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Tae and jungkooks marriage was arranged and Tae is cold to jungkook cuz he didn't want this marriage. Let's see what will happen when jungkook has a nightmare...



J: t-ae get up ur gonn-a be late

T: hmm I'm up (deep morning voice)

J: o-k

Then tae went to do his morning routine and jungkook went to make breakfast.

J: here's breakfast

T: I don't wanna eat I am running late

J: then lemme pack it for u or ur gonna be hungry!

T: no I already told u I don't wanna eat

J: oh o-k

T: .........

Then tae left for work and jungkook was thinking if he should drop breakfast in taes office

J: I am gonna drop breakfast for Tae

After a few minutes

J: hey Jin hyung can u drop me to taes company pls

Jin: yes sir ofc

Then Jin dropped kook to taes company and he went inside but the girl in the front won't let him go inside.

Girl: sir u can't go inside cuz we don't let anyone who we don't know

J: but I am his husband!

G: sir we all know that a handsome man like Mr. Kim isn't gay (laugh)

T: what's going on here? (Cold voice)

G: sir this guy over here is complaining to see u and he is saying ur his husband and I told him that u are not gay

T: what the fuck! He is my fucking husband!

J: (shocked at taes cussing)

G: I di-d no-t kn-ow

T: jungkook come with me

J: o-k

Then they went inside taes office

J: I bough-t u brea-k-fast

T: didn't I tell u not to?

J: ye-s

T: then why did u bring it? (Raised an eyebrow)

J: cu-z I w-as worri-ed

T: hmm next time don't bring or else (glare)

J: o-k


J: then I a-m g-onn-a g-o

T: hmm ok And don't wait for me cuz I will be late today

J: oh o-k

Then jungkook left and Tae said

T: damn my baby is so sweet to bring Breakfast for me. Don't worry bae I will make u happy soon (smile and eat his breakfast)

At 12:00 AM

J: I was waiting for Tae to come and after a few minutes he came.

T: didn't I tell u not to wait for me?

J: y-es but I wa-s scare-d

T: hmm ok go to bed I will be there

J: ok lemme surve u dinner.

T: hm

Then tae ate and they went to sleep

At 3:00 am

Taekook Oneshots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now