12. Ex Is My Husband

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This oneshot is about when taekook meet after 2 years of there break up. What will happen when there parents forced them to get married for the company. Find out what happened by reading the whole story!!

Jk/m: jungkook honey come downstairs!!

J: coming mom!

Then jungkook went downstairs and saw his parents sitting at the dining table.

J: gm mom and dad!

Jk/mom & dad: morning sweetheart

Jk/d: ahmm son sit down we have to talk to u about something

J: ok

Jk/m we are gonna go meet someone and we decided to get there son and u married (nervous)

J: wh-at

Jk/m: honey pls I beg u just meet him. U know our company isn't doing so well and this is the only way to save our company. Pls honey

J: (sigh) ok mom only for u guys (sad smile)

Jk/m: I love u sweetie now go get ready

J: okay mom

Jungkooks outfit:

J: how do I look mom?

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J: how do I look mom?

Jk/m: wow (sparkly eyes) u look like an angel!

J: thanks mom (smile)

Jk/d: let's go now

At the restaurant...

Tae/m: hey guys u all finally came

J: thinking: what is taehyungs mom doing here?

Hi ma'am

Tae/m: pls come and sit

Jk/m: where's ur son

Tae/m: he coming he went to the restroom

Jk/m: ohh ok


T: sorry I am late (deep voice)

Taes outfit:

Taekook: (widened eyes)

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Taekook: (widened eyes)

Tae/m: this is my son

T: (smirk) hi aunti

Jk/m: hey sweetie come sit

T: thank u

Tae/m: jungkook honey? Are u ok, u look like u saw a ghost

J: u-h y-es I a-m ok ma-am

Tae/m: sweetie pls dont call me ma'am call me mom ok

J: o-k

Tae/d: let's all eat now and can chit chat after we eat

Everyone: yes

They all ate

Time skip....

Tae and jungkook got married after a few weeks and now they are in there new house

T: this is my room and ur room is the next one (cold)

J: o-h o-k

T: ............

Then they went to their rooms

Taes room:

T: holy shit! We got married. I can't believe it. He's finally mine again (smirk)

Next Morning:

Tae woke up from the smell of breakfast and he got up and went downstairs and saw jungkook was making breakfast

J: ur awa- (cover his eyes)

Tae was shirtless he was only wearing sweatpants.

T: its not like uv never seen my body (smirk)

J: that was all the past now can u pls put on a shirt!

T: no

J: pl-s

T: ugh whatever

J: thanks

Time went by

Taekook has been getting more closer and they already fell for each other but won't tell each other

T: imma propose to jungkook today (smile)

Time skip.......

At night

T: cmon jungkook let's go we are going somewhere

J: oh ok hold on

Then they went to the beach which Tae decorated it and kook was shocked

J: wh-ats th-i-s f-o-r

T: I love u

J: wh-

T: listen to me.. I love u so so much. I never wanted to break up but I was so busy with so many shitty things so I thought that our relationship won't work so that's why I broke up with u pls darling accept me and I promise to stay by your side all the time.

J: I love u too Tae I never wanted to break up too but I thought it was for our good. Let's start from the beginning again

T: ofc

J: I love u

T: I love u more

Then they shared a passionate kiss

THE END 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜



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