3. Scared

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So this oneshot is about when jungkook saw a cockroach and he jumped on his cold boss's lap. Read the whole story to find out what happened! Thank u


J: si-r here i-s u-r fil-e

T: hm good and stop fucking stuttering

J: I am sorr-y

T: now get out

J: yes sir (bow)

T: gosh he is just so cute. He looks just like a bunny (chuckled)

*knock knock*

T: come in (cold voice)

Lia: hey sir~ (flirty tone)

T: speak properly Ms. Lia (Angry)

L: yes si-r

T: and what did I tell u about dressing properly?

L: no wearing short clothes

T: so what the fuck is this (Angry)

L: but daddy I want to wear this dress for u! (Whine)


L: y-e-s si-r

After she left

T: these fucking motherfuckers are so fucking annoying!

The whole day past....

At 9:00

*knock knock *

T: come in (cold)

J: si-r here is your fil-e

T: hmm good

J: may I go now si-r

T: yes u may

J: thank u sir (bow)


Jungkook just turned around and saw a cockroach and he was so scared that he jumped onto taes laps

T: (shocked)

J: s-ir th-ere is a co-ckro-ch. Pl-s ki-ll i-t (sobbing)

T: ur such a scardy cat. Get out from my lap

J: sir......

T: do u want me to kill it or no?

J: pls kill i-t

T: hmm Then get out of my lap

Then kook got out of his lap and Tae just killed it in a few seconds

T: there

J: thank u so much sir


J: then I will g-o

T: hmm

When jungkook went to open the door tae pinned him to the wall and kissed him

J: si-

T: shh let me enjoy

J: (blush)

After some good minutes Tae left kooks lips and said..

T: ur very yummy

J: (blushing) I love u

T: what

J: sir I loved u since the first time I saw you. Idk if u like me and it ok but I wanted to tell u my feelings cuz I can't hide it anymore.

T: aww bae I love u too

J: really!

T: yes

Then they shared an amazing kiss

THE END 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜

thank yall so much for reading and follow me. Stay safe everyone and love yall so much 💗 💓 💛 💖 💕 ❤ 💗 💓 💛 💖 💕 ❤

Taekook Oneshots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now