16. Being My bully's Fake Boyfriend

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J: Good Morning world!

Jin: honey come downstairs or else I am going to get my fry pan!

J: I'm up eomma!


Then jungkook went downstairs after doing his morning routine.

J: morning eomma

Jin: morning sweetheart

J: eomma I am so hungry (whine)

Jin: ok ok my dear here's ur breakfast

J: ur the best!

Namjoon: morning sweetheart and morning son

Jinkook: Good Morning!

N: come on kook eat fast cuz I have to go to work

J: jeez appa give me some time

N: u always take ur sweet damn time

J: whatever

Jin: u two... (sigh)

J: (giggle)

N: (smile)

Time skip to school....

Jungkook went to his class and sat down and 20 minutes later he asked if he can go to the restroom.

He went but then he got pinned in the wall

J: ow

T: hey baby

J: t-aehy-ung wh-at d-o u w-ant

T: nothing

J: then why d-id u pi-n m-e

T: cuz I have to ask u something

J: wh-at i-s i-t

T: be my fake boyfriend

J: what!


J: No way pls

T: pls my eomma is making me get married to Jennie and I fucking hate that bitch pls jungkook

J: why are u asking me when there is a ton of people

T: cuz I always bully u and I can never hurt ur feelings pls pls (beg)

J: fine

T: meet me at the park u have to sign a contract

J: con-tr-a-c-t

T: yep

J: o-k I gu-e-ss

T: thank u so much u saved my life

J: ur welcome (bunny smile)

At the park:

The contract:

We are allowed to kiss in the lips,cheek,head,forhead

Always sticking together


T: read carefully

J: ok I guess I agree

T: thanks

J: welcome

The Next Day

T: can u just shut up Jennie ur so fucking annoying gosh!

Jennie: fine hmmp!

T: u look like a dog just so u know

Jennie: I am soon to be ur wife so be nice to me

Taekook Oneshots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now