9. Pregnant

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Jungkooks POV

Hi everyone my name is jungkook and I am 23 years old. I have a cold- I mean husband who accidentally made me pregnant when he was drunk. I never told him yet cuz I am so so scared like what if he leaves me. Anyways back to the story


Kim Jungkook

Age: 23

Has a cold mafia husband


Kim Taehyung

Age: 25

Jungkooks cold husband


J: Tae get up

T: hm

J: I am gonna go make breakfast

T: hm

After jungkook went to make breakfast tae got up and got ready for office and went downstairs.

J: gm

T: gm

J: come and eat breakfast

T: hm

After a few minutes

J: so how's the food

T: hm

J: what is hm I don't fucking get it

T: its good

J: ............

T: ok thanks for breakfast I am gonna go now

J: ok be safe

T: hm

After tae left jungkook eyes became teary

J: wh-y t-ae u alw-ay-s b-e s-o col-d to m-e (sob)

T: I'm home

J: welcome ho-me

T: hmm

J: go get fresh up and I will surve u dinner

T: hmm ok

Then tae got freshen up and ate his dinner and they went to sleep

Next morning

Jungkooks phone was ringing but he was so tired that he did not hear anything.

T: ugh this shitty phone

*doctors call*

T: doctor. Lemme see what this shit wants


T: What

D: hi is this jungkook

T: no this is his husband

D: oh Mr.Kim

T: what do u want

D: jungkook has a checkup today so can u tell him to come

T: what kind of checkup

D: we have to check if the BABY is ok

T: W-hat d-o u mea-n b-y ba-by (stuttering)

D: umm sir? He's pregnant, did he not tell u

T: wh-at h-e nev-er to-ld m-e an-ythin-g

D: well he's 6 weeks pregnant

T: o-k I gott-a g-o

D: ok tell him to come for the checkup

T: o-k

Tae can't believe what he just heard.

Taes pov

I am gonna be a dad. Why did jungkook not tell me. He probably was scared (sigh)

End of taes POV

J: mm (yawn)

Jungkooks POV

I woke up and saw Tae was not beside me. I got up and went downstairs and saw him sitting on the chair in the dining table.

J: tae..?

T: I need to talk to u about something

J: o-k

Jungkook sat down and waited for Tae to speak

T: why jungkook why

J: wdym

T: why didn't u fucking tell me ur pregnant!

J: (shocked) ho-w d-o u k-no-w tha-t

T: the fucking doctor called u for a checkup

J: I- I a-m s-o so-r-r-y I don-t wan-t u t-o leav-e m-e

T: why the fuck would I leave u. I love u so much!

J: (sob) u wh-at

T: I fucking love u so much

J: I love u too

T: I am so happy that I am going to be a father

J: (happy tears)

T: (kiss him)

J: mm

After there kissing session Tae said

T: ok bae now let's go And get ready to go to the hospital for ur checkup

J: ok let's go

T: I love u

J: I love u too

THE END 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜



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