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After sometime the girls came and knocked the door

As they got response they went in

As soon as y/n saw them they were terrified as thier legs were really wounded and all the hands and body had red strikes

Only y/n saw the wounds as she stood near to them
"Why you called us sir?"jisoo asked trying to know the reason

Jungkook sighed and looked at them and said " you all want them to regret ryt?" They all hummed

"I will give two options right now either beat them with by yourself with the cane or I will punish them infront of you with this thick cane"
Jungkook said folding his and leaning on desk

They all gasped at him , but our Jennie smirked , she moving forward and stretching the hand asking to give stick but before she could reach jungkook , Lisa pulled her backwards

Jungkook looked at Lisa and siad "no need to be scared, incase if they had done anything, they will be gifted with lifelong imprisonment"
He said looking at her

Y/n looked at jisoo and jisoo signalled her something that y/n could understand

"Sir it's not because we are scared, we don't to make our hands dirty by punishing them, you can have it in your way Mr.jeon"
Y/n said looking at the boys who were kneeling down

Jungkook was little shocked with her acting mature as well as proud

"Okay" jungkook said taking out the wooden stick he kept on table.

All of the boys expression turned to scared one's again they know they have to take it otherwise it would be worst

"How many you want me to give to them" jungkook asked moving towards them
"25" he got an immediate response from Jennie the other girls face palmed themselves

He went to ben and asked to stretch his out and show the knuckles
Ben stretched out his hand and turned his hand back

"Ben listen to me" he continued speaking while patting the stick on his knuckles "just because you are obsessed with someone you shouldn't hurt them and their friends, just think incase if you had sisters what would you do if the same boy gang like you were roaming around her , how the hell you would feel *HIT* "

"AHHH" ben screamed loudly actually he won't but guess what the pain is more on knuckles

The fact is that all the girls also shouted along with ben as they were startled by the sudden loud sound of hit

Jungkook looked at girls and said "be quite, what made you all scream i didn't even punish you and don't be in too hurry and wait you all gonna receive it anyway"

This made them gulp their saliva
y/n is getting more tensed as she knows she messed too bad than others even hiding the thing that she knows ben from before and he is obsessed with her

Jungkook looked at ben and said in stern voice to show his hand

Ben hesitantly stretched out not so soon he received another two hits at a time

"Mr.jeon please we are sorry and we are sorry to Jennie, Rosie,Lisa,
y/n and jisoo too just spare us "
Jack said from side of ben who is terrified by now

Ben was groaning in pain sitting on floor

At every hit the girls were flinching
Y/n couldn't understand anything whether she should feel satisfied or sad or terrified of jungkook she was soo in mixed emotions

jungkook shook his head

He yelled suddenly now y/n and her friends also started to get tensed up

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