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He said and went out
Y/n looked at him until he left
After he left she went towards yuwon and knelt down to her level

Yuwon looked towards y/n with her teary red eyes still crying
Y/n wiped her tears
"Stop crying" she said while pinching her cheek a little

"It's so hurting nini" she said breaking again.

"Y/n move out of here" jungkook said while getting into the room

"Jung-"y/n was about to say something

"I have no interest to argue,out from here" he said closing his eyes

She left from there in slight anger
As she left he looked towards yuwon who is looking down while her hands are still up but they bent a little

"Raise your hands straight" he said in slight cold tone and went towards his bed,sat and opened his laptop.

After 10 minutes
Yuwon started crying again her hands were badly aching she couldn't hold anymore

"Ple-ase sto-p thi-s"yuwon pleaded him

He didn't respond

Her cries increased at his silence

Not so late y/n came and saw yuwon crying badly

"Stop it jungkook" she said in slight stern voice.

He looked towards y/n
"Stop it kook see she is aldready crying so badly please end it kook"
Y/n kept pleading him not gonna lie he also want to end soo badly, he was also feeling hurt by seeing most enthusiastic person in that state of crying but he doesn't want her to be spoiled

"Go yuwon" he said in same cold voice without looking at her

She kept hands down and moved out the room

As she came out y/n took her to the other bedroom and closed the door

Not so late yuwon hugged y/n tightly and started crying loudly

Y/n kept patting her back and kissing her all over the face

"Stop crying little girl,see how red your face is, stop crying, everything finished stop crying, you are a little mafia right"she said pinching her nose slightly

"M-y w-ho-le bo-dy is- pai-ning" she said tightening the hug.

"It's all over now stop crying
please " y/n rubbing her back

After sometime yuwon calmed down a little y/n broke the hug and made her sit on the bed

She took out ointment and started applying to her legs

"Mom is a first Teacher and first best friend to everyone she can't take it if her child is in a little bit of danger that's why she even asked
Jungkook not to punish you she literally pleaded him and you have no idea she I'll always cut her own wings just to give a little happiness..if you disobey and disrespect her you will have no one in future"

Y/n while applying the ointment

She stopped and looked at yuwon and said
"The only person who loves beyond your colour and flaws is mom"

She said giving a final touch to bruises

Yuwon aldready feeling guilty and now her words had been petrol to the fire of her guilt.

"I- *sigh* I don't know nini why I did like that" she said and was about to cry again but y/n stopped

"Don't cry again yuwon, you got know that you are wrong and that's what we need okay now stop crying,I'll bring soup see, you have been crying form such a long time you may fall sick again"she said and she was about to leave

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