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Next day morning

Y/n woke up and didn't saw him side of her she sat on the bed hissing in pain but shrugged it off cuz now she is so concerned about her friends.

She isn't being cheerful as before she got sad after knowing how bad jungkook felt for hiding things from him ..........

She sat on the bed and saw the time, it's 7'0 clock she knew she has get ready for her college now another tragic day

She got up slowly and went to proceed with her morning routine

Meanwhile in kitchen

Jungkook is preparing breakfast but his thoughts are completely about y/n he is thinking did he
Went too hard on her ??

He sighed and decided not to give a harsh punishment for atleast her friends

He served them on dining table and saw y/n coming down stairs
"Morning" she said smiling towards, he smiled back
"Is it still hurting?"he asked feeling concerned, getting responded with little nod from her he sighed hard
"You can take rest of you want,you can stay in house for this day" he said while looking towards her waiting for her answer

She actually want to take leave but she can't because she is worried for her friends
"No"she said in a low tone
The environment was so cold between them y/n wasn't feeling her sunshine within herself and jungkook hates it, soo he decided to take her out tonight he let it be a suprise for her

Time skip in university

"Humph" Jennie said while glaring at jungkook who is teaching in class

She was so angry at him for the fact that she hitted her friend with fucking belt

Jungkook had been noticing her strange expressions but shrugged it off

"Girl! why are you messing with him" jisoo said in a low tone

"How dare he used belt on my friend huhhh!!!" She said said scrubbing the pen all over her notes

"Girl! If you don't stop now he will throw you out of the class" Lisa said while side eyeing her.

Jennie still looking at jungkook as if she is gonna kill him soon after he turned to the board she took a pencil and acted like she is gonna throw at him her unluck he immediately turned back and saw her doing that

He folded his hands and raised his eyebrow
"Ehe mr-je-on"
"What are you doing" he asked looking at her

"Arm stretch sir,my hand is paining because of the work" she said said with an little awkward smile

Theses girls trying thier best to control thier laughs

"Really, c'mon solve this problem"
He said to her showing marker to attempt on white board

Jennie looked at him in wtf expression and went to solve it, she took the marker

And did soo many striking after 5 minutes of trying every she got the answer

She looked proudly towards jungkook who is glaring aldready at her

"I think I told it just now and you forgotten it right away"
Jungkook said glaring

Jennie was about to say smg but stopped instantly.
She just looked at him went back to her seat

"Keep standing" jungkook said turning his attention back to board

Jennie cursed him internally but decided not to argue anymore

After sometime bell rang
It's break time

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