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As they reached y/n and yuwon went to their to get changed into comfort dresses while jungkook sat on sofa switching on the TV

"What happened yuwon,tell me in clear words" y/n asked while locking the door behind her

As yuwon explained everything
Y/n sighed hardly"little mafia" y/n said while pinching her nose a little

"Nini i am so worried"

"Don't worry, if he is not alive he wouldn't have vanished " y/n moving towards dressing table

"Is your lip hurting " y/n said while taking out cotton and antiseptic gel

Yuwon nodded a little
Y/n rubbed her lip with cotton....

Time skip

They are having dinner

"Why your face is looking so pale yuwon" jungkook asked observing the dullness in her face

"Ahm not-hing koo just a little headache " yuwon responded not making eye contact with him

Still jungkook is not satisfied with her response but shrugged it off

"Y/n I had little work in university tomorrow morning I may go for university for 3 hours" jungkook said to y/n who was arranging the dishes back to kitchen

"Okay" she replied from kitchen

He got up and went towards y/n who is in kitchen
"What happened to yuwon, she is looking dull?" Jungkook asked her in low that yuwon couldn't hear as she in dining area having her dinner

"Ah mm she- she fell in park" y/n said trying to cover the that actual reason

"Huh?" Jungkook made a confused face

"She fell, she lost balance while running and fell down" y/n said making it clear

Jungkook made 'O' face and went from there

"Yuwon you have to be more careful kid while you are running" jungkook said while approaching her

*When did I even run* she thought and about to say something

But y/n signalled her something then she understood the thing

"I didn't notice the rock koo, I tripped and fell" she said while seeing him approaching her

"Got any injuries" he asked concerned
"Little cut near lips" yuwon replied

Jungkook took a look at her lips and the cut
"You kissed the ground?" Jungkook said trying to cheer her up

"YAHHH nooooooo " she shouted throwing the napkin on him

"Ok ok ok I am kidding kiddo" he said flicking her forehead

"Ahh monster" yuwon said while rubbing her forehead

"You baby monster and that girl standing there is whole damn demon" he said pointing towards

"What did I even do bruhh-" y/n asked while making a done face

"I am your husband don't call me bro" jungkook replied instantly.

Y/n made a disgusting face and went from there .

Followed by giggling yuwon.

Time skip to that night

Yuwon was only one present in the room.

She completely forgot about her phone she was now crying infront mirror as the realisation hit her

She realized that she left her phone in park

She doesn't want to intimate y/n about it because she thought that y/n may ask jungkook for going to park again and everything will be exposed

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