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Time skip at house

The whole ride they rode from University to home was silent
Jungkook didn't let her speak anything

Right now y/n is in her room drying her hair after taking a bath
She is thinking how bad she ignored him yesterday though still he didn't let her feel a little pain

She is going emotional tears are pushing themselves out,she started crying badly and started moving fastly towards jungkook who is living room right now

She went towards him and saw him watching TV, sitting on coach

She ran towards him and gave him a tight hug completely soaking his t-shirt in tears

"Stop crying baby" he said softly stroking her hairs,patting her back

"You shouldn't have done that" she said in between of her cries

"Stop crying firstly" he said a little sternly

After a while she camled down but didn't leave his embrace

"Why did u do that?" He asked her softly

"I don't know..... sorry" she said between her sobs

"Sorry for what?" He asked pulling her out from his embrace

"Please jungkook, i aldready in guilty line beacuse of the thing you done today how do you think I will cheat ever again" she said while looking at him with her guilt eyes

"You are sure right?" he asked looking at her

"Yea" she replied shortly

He smiled a little and is about is get up but so soon he sat down as y/n pulled him back

She took his hands and started examining the knuckles

"They are so red jungkook" she said and tears left her eyes

"Leave baby " he said softly taking his hands back

She took them again and started giving kisses on his knuckles without stopping

Jungkook decided to let her
After while she stopped and kept hold his hands

"I am sorry..." She mouth actioned those words looking at him

"It's okay now stop crying " he said wiping the tears

She out ointment from drawer and applied very softly

"Stop crying baby" ha said and took her to his embrace

"I am guilty for even yesterday night kook" she Saida nd further continued
"I shouldn't have ignored you" she said looking at him

"It's okay hmm.." he softly muttered pulling her cheeks

"You are not angry on me?" She asked seeing him so soft

"I am not" he said breaking the eye contact with her looking away

Clearly indicating he is! He is a little angry

"Kook look here and say"

He looked at her for minute said

"I am angry but i can't do anything, i aldready received the punishment for myself for stopping you from studying last night" he said and looked away

"Even I am also on the same line kook, I am at mistake too" she is said hugging him

"Please stop your anger and forgive me" she said tightening the hug

He felt a little calm after a while he back hugged her and mumbled soft
"Love you" kissing her forehead

"Love you too" she said kissing his cheeks..

Time skip

At night jungkook went to her room to call her for dinner

He entered and saw her sleeping which made frown in confusion

He went to her touched her forehead, which widened his eyes

"Baby, wake up once" he called her patting her cheeks

As she woke up she started shivering due to cold

"What happened, what made you sick so sudden" he said and went to get her tablets

Actually y/n haven't eaten from yesterday till now which unknown to jungkook and she had just number of ice creams in that cold rainy night yesterday ..

She is now in no state to get scolded by him so she stayed calm

As he approached her with tablets he aske dher to take them
She gulped them silently and had water

Jungkook was about to call family doctor
But she stopped him showing her puppy eyes

"You are having high temperature and you don't want me to get checked up?" Jungkook asked her sternly with a frown

Seeing him angry she left his hands
Not so soon he called doctor and requested for his arrival

Soon after the doctor came
He started examining
"Did you have your meals on time?" He asked looking at her place face

She looked at jungkook slowly sighed and shook her head

This made jungkook frown
As he remembered only last night she haven't eaten anything

"Your throat is also infected, had any cold food?" He asked checking her

"Just a ice cream " as she stayed jungkook was quick enough. To ask
"How many"

"5.." she said scared to for her life

"I think you need to take iv but only if you aren't cured by tmr, for now you can take the prescribed medicines" doctor said and left from there

Jungkook went to bid him off

And came inside which just made y/n gulp with his glares....

To be continued .....

Sorry for late guyss.....

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