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Jack immediately got wide eyed and flew backwards, away from Mark. "I, uh, I-I don't know," he stammered, "I j-just thought..." but he was cut off. When Jack opened his eyes again,  Mark's lips were on his. then, just as quickly as it began, it was over, his lips were gone, and mark was wide eyed and blushing as well, sitting mere inches away from Jack.

"I, um..." Mark started. "I think it would be best if in the morning Tim and I leave."

Jack looked at him, astonished. Mark had just closed the gap between them, their lips had just been together; he had just kissed the man of his dreams and now he's wanting to leave so soon? Was he that despicable? "B-but," Jack said, but his voice quivering and he could feel his throat closing up. He felt sick, like he was going to throw up all of his feelings.

"No, Jack." Mark said, suddenly concerned. "It's not you, please don't be upset, I just- I need to clear my head, you know? Figure out my feelings and all... It's for the best." and with that he sighed turned over on the mattress, pulling the blanket over his shoulder.

Jack sat there for a few minutes and then decided in order to not make anything any more awkward, he'd go back to his room and sleep in his bed instead. When he got back to his room he realized that Sammy and Tim had taken the blankets off of his bed as well and he was left with nothing but a thin sheet. Shivering from the cold and his sadness, Jack got into the bed and pulled the sheet over his shoulders and drifted off to sleep, whilst one single tear slowly fell down his cheek, leaving a tear shaped splotch on his pillow.

Jack woke up in the morning and felt warm. Warmer than he was before he went to sleep. He sat up in bed and realized that that someone had brought a thick comforter into his room and covered him with it instead of leaving him with just the sheet. Jack got out of bed and walked into the living room. The pull out mattress was put back into place and all the blankets were neatly folded and all of the pillows were stacked. Mark was nowhere to be found.

Jack walked down the hallway to Sammy's room. Tim wasn't there and the extra bed was pushed back under Sammy's bed, but Sammy was still fast asleep, or at least he thought. Jack walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch with his phone. He logged into youtube and noticed the Mark had uploaded a video of some new Indie game that had been out for not too long.

'he must've left pretty early this morning' he thought. Jack clicked on the video. Mark didn't seem like himself. he kept stuttering and mixing up his words and the whole time he just seemed out of it.

Jack put his phone away.

"Well," he said to himself. "I guess I'll go and record a video, too."

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