We're Gonna Fix This

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"Jack." Mark said, his eyes welling up with tears as he read all of the comments and replies to the picture. "It didn't go away, Jack."

Jack looked up from his food and saw Mark attempting to wipe the newly-formed tears from his eyes. "Kids, go play in Sammy's room, please." he said. He stood up and took Mark's hand, leading him into the living room.  "Mark, what's going on, what's the matter?" He asked, wiping the tears from Mark's eyes.

Mark couldn't control his tears any longer. He pressed his face into Jack's chest and began crying hysterically, no longer in control of his emotions.

Jack noticed Mark's phone sitting next to them with his Twitter inbox pulled up and opened. He picked up his phone and got extremely angry at what he saw. Almost every message he got was about Matthias's picture, asking if Mark and him were together, or of some douche-bag kid calling Mark a fag.

"Oh, Mark-" Jack started. He patted Mark's back in attempt to calm him down, but Mark just kept crying. "Look, Mark. I promised you that we'd fix this, and that's exactly what we're gonna do! I love you, you're my world, and I can't stand to sit back and let you feel like this."

"Jack, I- I love you-" Mark started. "But how are we gonna fix this? We can't just m-make Matthias take the picture down." Mark was still crying, causing him to slip on his words and slightly stutter.

"Don't worry. I have a plan." Jack replied, pulling Mark in for another hug. "And I promise that everything is going to be alright. First of all, when you get calmed down again, we're gonna call your landlord and let him know that you're moving out of your apartment today. Then we're gonna move your things over here and go from there. You know where Matthias lives, don't you?"

"y-yeah, but why do you need to know-"

"Mark, just don't worry." Jack said, cutting off Mark's statement. "I have a plan and it'll work. For now, just ignore any Twitter questions. We'll deal with that later."

After Mark had stopped crying and was calm again, he did what Jack had told him to do. He called his landlord and notified him that Mark was moving out of his current apartment and would no longer be living there. Mark was pretty good friends with his landlord. "Oh, did you find a lovely lady to live with, Mark?" the landlord, Greg, asked mark.

"Oh, well, I guess you could say that." Mark replied. "But um- he's my boyfriend."

"Oh, I'm sorry Mark!" Greg yelled super apologetically. "I really didn't know! But, thank you for letting me know about the apartment, I'm happy for you and your boyfriend and I wish you guys the best."

Mark mumbled a thanks and then hung up the phone. He told Jack that he was ready to head over to the apartment to pick up his things. Jack said that he was going to get dressed and then they'd be on their way.

While Mark was waiting for Jack and the kids to get ready, he logged back onto twitter just to see if there were a lot more messages or if everything was dying down. As he was scrolling through Twitter, a text notification popped up at the top of his phone.

1 new message from Amber Grace

He clicked the message, and sure enough, it was from the girl him and Jack met in the airport. He read through her message and felt a little guilty that he didn't text her after they exchanged numbers.

"Hey Mark, I keep seeing people asking if you and Jack are together. I just wanted to promise you that I kept our secret. I never told a soul. How did everybody find out? You know I live nearby so let me know if you need anything!"

Mark Clicked the reply button and typed a quick reply to her.

'Hey Amber, Thanks for the message, the last few weeks have been really hectic. Matthias got into a fight with Jack and I and posted a pic of us via Twitter. Thank you for not telling anyone, though. It means a lot.  I would love to hang out or something. I'm sure Jack would as well. Maybe you can come with Jack and I to the bar this weekend?'

He clicked send, and no sooner than a minute later, Mark got a reply.

'damn, that's a really shitty thing to do, I'm sorry man. sounds great though!  See you then! "

A few moments later, Jack came out of his bedroom, dressed and ready to go, along with Sammy and Tim. "You ready, Markimoo?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, let's go."

In the car, Mark told Jack about the messages from Amber Grace, to which he said he would love to hang out with her as well.

"As long as she's the legal drinking age, of course," Jack said. "I'm not getting in trouble for her drinking with us."

"She told us that she's twenty-two at the airport, remember?" Mark asked. 

"Dude I was so tired that I hardly remember anything from being at the airport," Jack replied, guiltily.

They drove to Mark's apartment and pulled into a parking spot. When they got into his house, They realized that they didn't need to pack up any furniture or such, since his apartment was already furnished. They packed his clothes, recording equipment, Computer, games, and any other personal items he had, and put them all in the trunk and backseat of Jack's car. The four got back into Jack's car, got buckled, and Jack started the car.

"Now," Jack said. "Tell me Matthias's address."


Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads, comments, and votes. This story is getting so much more popular than i would have ever expected it. Thank you guys so much. also, because this chapter ends in somewhat of a cliffhanger, I will be uploading yet another chapter tonight.

Again, thank you all for the support. I read all of your lovely comments and reply to what I can, but thank you all so much.

Happy reading!


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