Will you

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Jack was laying on the couch next to Mark and they were watching a horror movie on Netflix while Sammy and Timmy were asleep. Or supposed to be asleep. Every now and then they heard a few giggles coming from down the hall where they were sleeping. Jack was so grateful for this night. He was grateful for these moments that he could have with Mark and he could just be himself and not even have to worry about what Mark would think, but now that Jack new that Mark felt the same way about him as he did, everything was just better.

A jumpscare occurred during the movie and Mark yelped and grabbed ahold of Jacks arm and pretended to cry. Jack looked at him and chuckled while shaking his head. "don't be a baby, Mark." he said. "You play indie and horror games all the time. This should be nothing!"

Mark looked up and laughed. "That doesn't mean that they don't scare me to death!" he yelled.
They both began laughing and Mark rested his head on Jack's shoulder. After a few more minutes of the movie, Mark picked his head up. "Hey, Jack." he said. Jack looked over and Mark simply pressed his lips to Jack's.

They both pulled away and Mark laid his head back on Jack's shoulder.

"I have a question." Mark said without looking up.

"Ask away." Jack replied, looking down at Mark.

"well..." Mark started, pausing and cringing for another jumpscare. "Sean McLoughin, Will you be my boyfriend?"

Jack looked over and put his finger under Mark's chin to pull his head up and kissed him. "Of course I will, Mark Fischbach."

By the time the movie ended, both of the men were asleep on jack's uncomfortable couch, Mark using Jack as his pillow, and both of them happy that now they had someone to call their own.


"Hey Sam," Tim said, sitting up from his bed next to hers and poking her cheek. "I almost forgot. I have something for you."

"What is it Tim?" She said, only opening one eye, "I'm super sleepy."

Tim got out of bed and pulled his backpack over to him. He pulled out a stack of construction paper, bound together by yarn and school glue. Each page had drawing, photographs, paper cutouts, and little notes.

"I made you a book." Tim said, handing the book to Sammy, along with a flashlight from out of his backpack. "It's a book all about our friendship."

Sammy opened the book. On the first page was a photograph that jack took of Tim and her sitting on the swings at the park. Underneath there was a caption that read the title of the book. 'Why we're best friends'.

throughout the book there were little captions under every picture such as 'reason one: you're really nice to me' and 'reason two: you'll play tag with me when I'm bored'. Tim listed ten reasons why Sammy is his best friend and then on the last page, there was a picture of Tim and her hugging that Mark had taken at his apartment. Underneath it read 'You're like my little sister and I pinky promise that we'll be friends forever.'

Sammy looked up when she closed the book and Tim had his pinky extended towards her. She accepted the pinky promise and wrapped her pinky around his. "Thank you," she said, pulling away, "I love it."

"I'm glad. It took me three hours to make." Tim replied and smiled brightly. "Hey, let's go see what our daddies are up to."

The two kids got out of bed and scurried into the living room. They saw that their dads were asleep on the couch and they ran back to their room. They grabbed two blankets and a pillow. quietly they ran back into the living room with the bedding. Sammy carefully lifted up Jack's head and put the pillow under him. When she put his head back down he turned his head the other way and mumbled something incoherent and then slipped back into sleep. Tim put the blankets over the two men and then the kids ran back into Sammy's bedroom and fell asleep after looking through Tim's book more.

"Hey Tim," Sammy said, almost drifting into sleep. Tim opened his eyes and looked at her, "Do you think we will be brother and sister like we've always wanted."

Tim nodded. "We can't be for sure," he said. "but I know we're really close."

and with that, the two kids fell asleep.

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