I Didn't Think He Would

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Mark decided not to tell Jack about the messages he had been sent during the plane ride until they had gotten home and had put the kids to bed. When their plan landed, both of the men were asleep in their seats. A kind lady approached their seat and tapped Mark on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, dear." she said. "I just thought I'd let you know that our plane had landed, since you were asleep." Mark nodded and the lady walked off of the plane. With that, Mark woke up jack and they got off of the plane together. After they had picked up their luggage, Mark and Jack got into Mark's car and drove to Momiplier's house.

Mark parked outside of his mom's house and before he could even step foot outside the car, Tim and Sammy were already sprinting out the door. Mark opened the car door and scooped Tim up into his arms. He looked over and saw that Jack was doing the same to Sammy.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Tim screamed, his voice filled with excitement. "I missed you! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, you rascal!" Mark laughed, hugging Tim to him. "I've got something for you too!" He pulled out a small Tiny Box Tim plushie that a fan mad especially for Tim. "A fan made this for you, buddy!"

Tim's brown eyes lit up and he took the plushie into his grasp. "I love it so, so, so much!" he exclaimed and hugged his dad tightly. "Now I have my own Tiny Box Tim!"

Mark thanked his mom for watching the kids to which she replied, "It was no trouble at all, they were complete angels." Sam and Tim got in the backseats behind Mark and Jack and buckled up. It was getting pretty late out, so when they all got home, they decided for dinner they'd order a pizza. So once they were home, all four of them ate pizza in the living room while watching a kid-friendly movie for the kids.

Once all the  pizza was finished and the kids were asleep in bed, Jack walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch next to Mark. He missed the kids and he was so happy to be back home with them.

"Thanks for letting me and Tim stay here again tonight, Jackarooni." Mark said, taking Jack's hand in his own and interlocking their fingers together. "I'm honestly way too jet-lagged to even think about driving us back home tonight."

"It's no problem. Actually, I had been thinking about this." Jack said

"about what?" Mark replied, worriedly. He thought he meant that there was an issue with him seeing Jack so much or something else like the same subject.

"Mark," Jack said, "Would you and Tim like to move in with Sammy and I? You're already here most of the time and I just thought it'd be easier if you just-"

Mark got so enthusiastic and excited that he cut off Jack's sentence. "Of course I do, Jack!" he yelled. "when?"

"As soon as possible." Jack stated as he pulled Mark into a passionate kiss. "I love you, Mark Fischbach."

"I love you too, Jack." Mark replied, quickly pecking Jack on the cheek once more.

The two sprawled out under a few comforters and blankets on Jack's love-seat couch. They turned on Netflix and turned on some episodes of a recently added T.V. show. While Mark began to gently doze off, It was around this time that Jack took out his phone and decided to log onto Twitter and check some fans' tweets. He logged in and suddenly noticed that the amount of notifications he had seemed
larger than normal. He went onto his profile to see what the ruckus was about and automatically saw the picture Matthias had posted and tagged Mark and him in which was captioned "Look who I saw kissing in the airport today."

"H-Hey Mark?" Jack said nervously, feeling as if he was going to cry. He wasn't ready to come out to his fans yet. It was hard enough coming out to Bob and Wade, what about almost six million other people? Mark slowly lifted head to look at Mark and before he could reply, Jack turned the phone to him, showing him exactly what he saw. "What's going on?"

Mark gasped. "I didn't think he was actually going to post it."


Hey guys!

I'm sorry I took so long to update this. I think I have bronchitis, and I've been really ill the last few days. I wanted to thank you all for your patience and let me know in the comments what you think is gonna happen next!

And another thing, after this story is done, this will NOT be the last one I upload to Wattpad. I will be doing a collaboration Septiplier fic with another very special person. But I will also upload another story pretty soon as well. Besides a septiplier fic, I want you guys to vote on another ship I can write about? Recommend some in the comments and we'll take the most popular ones and have a voting (my personal favorite is Gumlee).

Thank you guys for the support. Remember to comment your favorite ships!

Happy reading!


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