Coming out?

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In my opinion, the most beautiful thing on Earth is the sky, and being on top of the sky and watching the sun rise from above just put Jack in awe.

Jack  and Mark dropped off Sammy and Tim at Momiplier's house this morning around and now the were on the plane to Indiana, Mark asleep on Jack's shoulder and all Jack could do at the moment was stare out the window and admire the moment. 

When the plane landed, Jack woke Mark up and they dot off the plane. The couple retrieved the luggage, got a rental car, and drove to the hotel room. 

"My god," Mark stated, walking into the hotel room, "I am so freaking jet-lagged."

"Same here, Mark." Jack replied. He walked up to Mark and hugged him and stuck his head into the crook of Mark's neck and mumbled, "Thank you for sharing a room with me; I don't wanna be away from you."

"Awh, Jack." Mark said, smiling and blushing. "Stop it, you're making me blush. But Jack, seriously, we need to talk for a minute." He pulled Jack over to the small couch and sat down next to him.

"What is it, Mark, are you okay?" Jack asked, beginning to get worried. "Are we okay?"

Mark nodded, "Jack, calm down, we're fine." he said. "As you know, we're going to meet up with Bob, Wade, and Matthias for dinner tonight, so, um, are we gonna come out to them tonight, so to speak, or...?" he trailed off and stared at the floor, waiting for Jack's reply.

Jack shook his head, "no," he said, simply stated. "How about this: We'll keep it from them until after the panel tomorrow so in case anyone gets mad, they won't be pissy during the con and we'll tell our fans after the con, to avoid stress. Sound alright?"

Mark nodded and hugged Jack. "Yes, it sounds perfect," he said. "I'm just scared of how they'll react. But thank you for everything, Jack. I love you."

Jack looked at Mark, astonished that he actually said that.

"Shit," Mark said. "Is it too early to say that? I'm sorry if it was."

"No," jack replied, "I love you, too." He said and hugged mark.

And I always have, Jack thought.

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