Episode 4 -- Part 1

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I trudged out to be greeted by... Carlos in a pool floatie? Maddox came up beside me.

"Do you know what's going on?" she asked. I shook my head.

"Was kind of hoping you would, not gonna lie."

"I think he's coming!" someone shouted.

"Places, everyone!" Carlos started singing "Fabulous."

"Who are they-?" I asked.

"Why are they-?" Maddie started.

"And, cut! It's just EJ." Cue disappointed looks and sighs of frustration. I started to laugh.

"They're trying to impress Corbin! That's kinda cute," I said. Maddie nodded.

"Yeah... This is one way to do it..."

A few moments later, someone shouted that Corbin was coming, and they started the number from the top again. "How long you wanna bet it takes them to realize it's just Dewey?" I whispered to Maddox.

"Five bucks says they figure it out by the second chorus," she replied.

"Nah, I bet they don't realize till the end of the number," I said. And lo and behold I was right. They ran through the whole thing, "Absolutely... not!" and all when they finally saw that it wasn't Corbin and was just Dewey. A chorus of groans filled the air, but I just smirked and held out my hand to Maddox. "Pay up!" She sighed, digging her hand into her pocket to pull out a five dollar bill, me smiling gleefully.

"What are you so happy about?" Carlos asked, frustrated, looking up at us.

"Oh, I'm just five dollars richer," I celebrated. Maddie rolled her eyes.

"Just wait. Next bet, I'll win, and that'll even it out," she said. I just waved her off.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever helps you sleep at night."


The cast was warming up. And can I tell you, they were warming up. Like, took it to a whole new level. Probably because Corbin was slated to come in, and they wanted to be on their A game for the celebrity guest.

"Everyone act like you're taking this serious and warming up," my brother said as he walked in, clearly panicked, lost in his thoughts, and not reading the room. Maddie and I both just looked at him and then at each other.

"That's... literally what they're doing..." Val pointed out.

"This is probably the one and only time I will ever agree with what she says," I whispered to Maddie. She just nodded.

"Why do you hate her again?" I just shook my head slightly.

"Tell you later."

"Take it down to a three," Val told him. "You're a seven out of ten." I saw Gina frown out of the corner of my eye. I swear to all that is holy, if my idiot brother screws up with her, I will actually punch the living daylights out of him. Of all the people whose hearts he could break, it had to be the nicest one of his friends. Well, I guess that says something about his taste...

"This is some of the most intense warming up I've ever seen," Maddie whispered to me as Corbin came in.

"Corbin's on the clock. It's go-time," the man of the hour said.

"And that was probably the cringest thing I've ever seen," I whispered back.

"Mr. Bleu, sir," my brother started, probably trying not to be fired in the first official five minutes of his new job. "We have a killer first read-through plan for today." The celebrity just waved him off.

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