Episode 7 -- Part 1

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"Okay, I am very hyped for this dance tonight, but someone needs to explain to me why we're doing a vintage theme for camp prom," my cousin said. We (as in all the girls) were getting ready in the Honeycomb. Why everyone felt the need to start getting ready now, I don't know. Personally, I'm more of the type to procrastinate until ten minutes before I need to leave, throw on the first thing I see, and get out the door. If I'm feeling really fancy, I'll comb my hair. But that's just me.

Anyway, back to the girls very excitedly getting ready.

"I think it had something to do with Susan Fine's birthday," Gina said. She hesitated and added, "Or the day she died." My cousin narrowed her eyes.

"Definitely one of those two."

"Honestly, I've never known," Maddie said before slipping into the bathroom.

"Listen, any camp tradition that doesn't involve climbing a wall is good by me," Kourtney said.

"I'm gonna miss spending all this time with you guys," Gina said. "But sisterhood vibes all night, okay?"

Ashlyn simply replied with, "It's gonna be a night of many vibes." I smirked, knowing what she was talking about.

Realizing that the girls were having a little moment for themselves and that Maddie was pretty much finished getting ready, I sat down on her bed and urged her to stand up. "Come on, Mads," I dragged out. "Give me a little twirl!" She giggled as she stood up. She did a little spin, and I took the opportunity to very respectfully check out my best friend. And can I just say, she looked gorgeous. She had on a red blouse with intricate designs with a darker red dress on top of it. And was she wearing... fishnets? Either way, she looked amazing.

"What do you think?" she asked slightly more shyly. I just smiled.

"You look amazing," I said. I could've sworn I saw her blush slightly at that, but then Jet walked through the door, making us all exclaim in surprise.

Somehow, he managed to look equally nice and hilarious in his outfit. "Maddie, can we talk? Alone?" he asked. I briefly gave him a look, trying to ask him what was going on with my eyes. He just gave me a "Please trust me" look in return. I shrugged before herding all the girls out.

"Alright, the siblings need make like a healthy relationship and communicate, so everybody out!" I said. Before shutting the door, I could see Maddie looking at me confused, concerned, and nervous all at once. I just gave her a small smile and nodded my head, trying to tell her "You got this." I shut the door.

As expected, the moment everyone was outside, the girls tried to eavesdrop on what was going on in the bunk. Honestly, they didn't even need to be that close to the wall. The walls at camp are so thin, you could probably hear from eleven feet away. But still, Maddie and Jet deserved to at least have the appearance of privacy. "Guys, guys!" I said, trying to get the Wildcats' attention. "Maybe we shouldn't be spying on them."

"We weren't spying," Kourtney defended.

Right on cue, my cousin said, "Can you keep it down? I'm trying to spy." I raised an eyebrow, and Kourtney just shrugged.

After a few more moments, their eavesdropping was interrupted by someone I never expected to see again. "Hi," Madison said. "Is Gadget still in there?"


I was, unsurprisingly, not the first one to recover from Madison's surprise appearance. Somehow, in the moments directly following her appearance, my brain managed to relive every terrible experience I'd had regarding the girl in front of me, from when we were twelve and she was unfriendly for no apparent reason to last year when she encouraged Maddie to stop hanging out with me and exclusively hang out with her.

"Who are you?" I heard my cousin ask, confused.

I managed to gather my bearings enough to whisper, "Manners, cousin, manners." I knew Gina and Kourtney heard because they both had to stifle giggles.

"I'm Madison," Madison introduced herself. "I don't know if Gadget's told you about me, but-"

She was cut off by Ashlyn saying, "You guys dated. We know." Well, someone's jealous. Not that I could really judge. It wasn't like I was any better.

"Anyway, Zoe, how are you doing? Long time no see!" Madison said to me.

Oh, now you want to talk to me, I thought. But out loud, I said, "I'm doing pretty well. How have you been?" Madison shrugged.

"Alright." She paused before continuing. "I'm sorry, by the way. About when we were younger. I know I wasn't the nicest to you." I shrugged.

"It's okay. It's not a big deal." Yes, it was a big deal.

"Oh, well, still. I am sorry. I just think that, well, if me and Maddox are gonna be friends and, hopefully, something more after that, then we should probably get along."

Oh, my God, how much more pretentious could this b- girl get? "Yeah, that's probably good." Just think of Maddie, think of Maddie, think of Maddie.

From inside the bunk, we heard Jet call out, "You can come out now!"

I could hear Maddie reply that she already did that, making me smirk. Oh, I love this girl so much.

Madison walked into the bunk, and before the door closed, I saw Maddie's eyes widen in surprise.

"Hi, Maddie," Madison said.

"Madison," Maddie breathed.

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