Episode 5 -- Part 2

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My brother called Alex, Emmy, and Carlos for 'A Little Bit Of You.' But part-way through the number, Carlos decided to really get into his role as the 'instigator.'

"Okay. Stop, stop. Turn on the lights. I'm sorry, but is this supposed to be fake snow?" Carlos asked. The girls looked confused.

"Uh, Olaf? You can speak."

"Not to instigate anything here, but this looks like sea salt."

"Did I take the wrong prop?" Emmy asks, nervous. Oh, crap, the girls weren't at the pre-rehearsal meeting. They have no clue what's going on.

I forced reflex tears, saying, "I tried my best, okay?"

"You guys, my head isn't a funnel!" Carlos exclaimed. "Can we try for my feet next time?" I tried to signal to him to cut it out with my hands, and I could see realization dawn on his face. Yeah. Poor Alex and Emmy are probably confused as heck because they don't know about his plan.

"Oh....kay," my brother dragged out. "Guys, let's move on to Anna and Elsa at the reception party. Kourt, Gina, you're up."

Again, the scene started okay, but then Kourtney decided to... play into her character as the judgy one. Honestly how people will believe this is real is... beyond me.

"I'm so sorry. Can we cut?" Kourtney asked. "Are you really gonna deliver your line like that?"

"If you wanna talk line readings, don't get me started," Gina retorted.

"Or what?" Kourtney dared. Gina runs offstage. "Come on. Let's get..." She trails off as Gina throws water at her and screams. "No, you did not!"

"Shouldn't have gotten me started," Gina smirked. "Oops." She strutted off. Meanwhile, Carlos just grinned to himself, and the rest of us were trying not to laugh.


My brother, Gina, Ricky, and Jet were on, and while Camera Guy was distracted, Carlos took advantage of the moment to lecture me, Maddie, and Kourtney.

"You need to cry more!" he said, pointing at me.

"Hey! Actual tears were streaming down her face a moment ago!" Maddie pointed out.

"Well- just do it more. And you need to be judgier," he added, gesturing at Kourtney now.

"Okay, okay. Just, like, set me up, and I'll cry," I said, rolling my eyes.

"I got this," Maddie said softly. "Just remember I'm doing this for drama." I nodded. "What is wrong with you?!" she said louder. "Like you always have this thing against everyone, and it's like, they literally did nothing to you!"

"Yeah! Like, it's no wonder everyone hates you," Kourtney adds. "If I were your brother, I'd be so ashamed I'd never want to go out in public." Not gonna lie, that stung a little.

That combined with the reality of Maddie never liking me back was more than enough to make me start crying. "I-I'm sorry, okay? I just- you don't get it! It's so hard when you're the fucking extra that no one wanted." I covered my face with my hands and ran out of the barn.

I wiped my tears once I was outside and gathered my bearings, smiling, knowing that we'd given Camera Guy what he wanted.

I heard Maddox's steps from the back door of the Barn, coming toward me. She immediately wrapped her arms around me. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she repeated. "I didn't mean any of it. You know that, right?"

I nodded. "Of course. We just... had to give Camera Guy what he wanted."

"Yeah, but... I know it got a little personal. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have... used that against you, even if it was just to make you fake cry." I could tell she felt bad, so I just hugged her tighter.

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