Part-6 💫bonus💫

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(This takes place before the first part, to give you a better idea of miles and y/n's relationship)

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The wind flows into you as you web your way through the city, on your way to all of the commotion. There's a big scene going on in the middle of the city. You feel more concerned about getting there on time, knowing that the prowler is the cause of it.

Who knows what he's capable of. He'd take anything if he felt like it. He's the type to kill anyone in his way, too obsessed with his own desires. News reporters all around the area are freaking out, apparently he's holding a hostage. Your eyebrows narrow, hostages make everything harder. You shoot another web, pulling your body around a tall building using your strength. As you turn you notice the people fleeing, screaming. You quickly go on the top of the building to see the situation you'll be dealing with.

Your eyes widen. You see the mess he must've made, cars everywhere along side parts of a building that looked like it'd been demolished by a recking ball. Of course there you see the prowler, and there are his captives. For him to do this, he must be after something or somebody really important.

Shouts of the older man and younger woman, "you don't know what this is capable of!" He begged. "Please, this is our life's work," the woman cried. The woman was on her knees begging, same with the man. You feel curious, noticing how important whatever your enemy took from them is. However seeing these innocent people having to beg on their knees brings you anger and disgust. They look so worried and desperate, as they both wear lab-coats.

The prowlers back faces you, his body language is emotionless, like them begging has no affect on him. A sudden glow of green erupted, visible even from behind him. Your eyes narrow, trying to get a better look of what it is.

A scoff comes from the prowler, it's almost as if he thinks this is a joke. "I'm pretty sure I'm well aware of what this is capable of." He says in an arrogant tone, but it sounded more irritated. The prowler reaches out his hand to grab what seems to be the strange glow.

You quickly lower yourself off of the building, not taking any chances of this escalating any further. You land on the ground swiftly, the lab workers notice you behind the prowler, their eyes wide but their desperation still written all over their faces. Your enemy is too focused on his new item.

Just before the prowler can grab the green glow, your webs shoot out immediately, taking it from his grasp. The prowler, is stunned for a moment, looking at the webbing. The green glow is pulled into your hands. You notice that the green glow was from some sort of box.

The people around you gasp, at the sudden action. The prowler pauses, but turns his head calmly. His braids flowing over his shoulder. That cold stare, that cursed anyone who crossed his path. The man and woman took this as a chance and ran the opposite direction of the danger, their fear taking over them. You could hear the panic in their breathing, making you sick. Your eyes glare at your enemy, while you hold the box.

Miles looks at the two that ran off, but quickly turns back to face you once more. His mask was emotionless, he's almost unreadable."Spidey-girl," he now turns fully, "what do you want?" He says annoyed, almost as if you were interrupting him.

"I'd love to have a little chat, but I'm afraid that took a lot for me to get it and I'd like it back." He says with impatience, while he watches you like you're the colour red and he's a bull. He steps forward. You notice his hands at his side turning into fists, his anger noticeable.

You step back, "you're pathetic, taking whatever you want no matter what happens to anything else." You say angrily, disgusted by how he acts.

Miles takes another step closer, already irritated with your interference. He almost ignores everything else but the box, "I need that." He states in a stern tone. He's not playing today, he's not interested in wasting anytime.

B I G  M I S T A K E - Miles Earth 42 X Reader (Enemies To Lovers){🔞smut}Where stories live. Discover now