Chapter 5

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Lexi's Pov

I don't know how I ended up in this situation I mean I was on the ground and next thing I know I am saying yes to a bonfire with complete strangers. Well, not complete strangers since I know Jack and Jack. I don't even know them really. Anyways speaking of Jack, I cannot believe I ran into him again--literally. At least this time he actually spoke. Thanks to Addy I know he is on tour and he said he is bonding with friends. If these friends are his tour friends Addy is going to kill me considering she is paying money to see them when I was just invited to hang out with them for free.

"Hey lexi, you want a smore?" Nash--I think that's his name, I am horrible at remembering names--asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh uh sure thank you." I said with a smile. I felt my phone starting to vibrate and I looked to see it was my aunt.

"Sorry, I have to take this." I said excusing myself and taking the call.

"Hey Aunt Janina...." I said nervously.

"Oh hey lexi how've ya been..." She said in a sweet tone. That's when I know I'll get it.



" a burger place..." I said.

"For 45 minutes??"

"I lost track of time?"

"Lexi tell me what really happened."

"So I ran into a friend-a few friends and they asked me if I wanted to hang. And I didn't want to be rude so I agreed." I said. The only reason why I corrected it to friends is because if I told my aunt it was a boy she would have a lot of questions. And being honest I was not in the mood to answer them all.

"So what I'm hearing is you forgot your responsibilities and decided to hang out with other people?" She said.

"Well not technically. I am really sorry I didn't update you but I assumed when I asked for a break I would get an hour. However I do apologize." I said.

"Okay well I supposed you are somewhat right. You need to get over here. You are lucky they are still looking through the pictures right now. I know you are responsible just get back here now please." She said. I said my goodbyes and she ended the call.

That was a close one.

I walked back to the bonfire thinking of ways to say I needed to leave.

"Is everything alright?" Jack Johnson asked causing everyone to look at me.

"Oh um Ya haha it was my aunt. She wants me back at the shoot." I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

Their response was booing and my response was laughing while making sure I had all my stuff.

"Well at least let us walk you over there." Jack Johnson said.

"You really don't have to." I said.

"Only a few of us will go then. So you won't get raped." Jack Gilinsky said. I giggled nodding my head. The only people that came with me were both jacks, Matthew, and Nash.

I gave everyone a hug goodbye.

"You should hang with us again. I really like you." Mahogany said with a smile. I mentally high five myself for getting approval from the main girl of this group.

"For sure." I said smiling giving her a tight hug.

We exchanged numbers quick and I caught up with the Jacks, Nash, and Matthew who were already walking.

"So tell us about yourself." Jack J said breaking the silence.

"There really isn't much...Umm I'm a junior about to turn 17 in a few months. I have a little sister who is quite annoying and uses all my stuff but I love her. And Ya." I said with a small smile.

"Where are we taking you too again?" Matthew asked.

"A photoshoot. My first official one though."

"Are you a model?" He followed up.

"Umm I don't think so, or not yet. My aunt is an agent and she's been nagging me to participate in a photoshoot so I finally gave in." I explained.

I saw the set come into view along with my aunt scanning the beach. She must of really been looking for me.

"That's the place. Thank you for walking me but I think my aunt is looking hard for me and she doesn't know you guys and she would probably flip if she knew I was hanging out with boys." I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

The guys chuckled nodding in response. I hugged each of them good bye and said it was nice meeting them. They all started to walk but Jack G hung back.

" I know that it's kind of weird how we met. And I'm sorry for knocking you over...twice. But I think your a pretty awesome girl and it would kill me if I couldn't talk to you again. So it possible for me to have your number?"

"Uh yes of course." I said smiling holding my hand out. "THERE YOU ARE!" Natalie, Aunt Janina's assistant, yelled. "Come on Lexi you have to be back in 2 minutes or your aunt will have both our heads." She said taking my arm.

"Oh was I interrupting something? Awkward...cmon." She said awkwardly dragging me away.

"I guess you'll just have to find me again." I called out waving by to Jack before following Natalie.

"I'm so sorry Lexi, but last time your aunt got mad she almost fired me and I desperately need this job." Natalie said guiltily.

I looked at her smiling, "Don't worry about it, it was just some guy. I understand Janina can be a little insane sometimes. And besides, something tells me we'll run into each other one way or another."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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