Chapter 3

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" you are telling me you met these two?" Addy questioned, shoving her phone in my face. She was going through the list of people at magcon and I saw two familiar faces and acknowledged that. I am now thinking that was a mistake.

"Yes," I said laughing, "I ran into that one." I said pointing to the dark haired Jack.

"Omg I can't believe you already met them!! We have to go to their tour stop now." She said as we stopped by my locker.

"Whatever floats your boat." I said with a shrug.

"So are they cute in person?" She asked. I shrugged and she gave me the brow.

"Okay they were very cute in person. And blonde hair Jack was the one who actually helped me up." I pointed out.

"Blonde hair Jack?" She asked laughing.

"In case you did not read correctly, they are both named Jack. How else am I supposed to tell the two apart?" I asked shutting my locker.

"This one," she said pointing to dark haired Jack, "his name is Jack gilinsky. And this one," she pointed to blonde hair Jack, "is Jack Johnson." She finished. I nodded barely paying attention. I received a text from my aunt and it ended up being the pictures from last night.

Addy looked over at my phone immediately grabbing it out of my hands.

"Is this you??" She asked zooming in and out of the picture.

"Last time I checked that was my face." I said giggling.

"Oh shut up you look gorgeous!" She said. I got shy as she swiped through the photos.

"She said I could be a model you know..." I said.

"I would believe it! You totally should! How cool would that be?" She said handing me my phone. It seemed cool. But I still wasn't sure. That's why I kept quite about the text my aunt sent me about another shoot tonight. Apparently the photographer got ahold of my test shots (yes she sent them to the guy) and wants me in his shoot. So I mean if I wanted to I could go. And I think I am leaning towards yes.

I texted my aunt saying I would go but only if my mom approved and that I had to cook dinner for my sister before I left. Unfortunately I could not cook because I needed to go to the shoot right after school so my aunt is taking care of dinner.

But besides that, I could not stop thinking about Jack. It's not like I want to think about him, just random images pop into my head and I can't seem to get them out of my head. I think about what I would do if we met again. Or how I could've met him differently. And how out of all things I had to fall on my butt.

I guess we'll never know.


"Lexi this is Carson." My aunt said bringing me in front of the photographer.

"Hi nice to meet you." I said with a smile holding a hand out.

"Janina...thank you." Carson said looking at my aunt. I was very confused. And I looked the part too.

"Sorry, it's just you are stunning and I think you are perfect for this shoot. Now please please go glam up we are on a schedule. I want to get to the beach a little before sunset." He said rushing me.

"Beach?!?!" I asked my aunt as these people handed me clothes.

"Yes you're welcome." She said.

"I have the worse tan lines!" I groaned looking at my sock tan and shorts tan.

"Nothing a little airbrushing can't fix." She called. I kept quiet. I couldn't say the other reason why I didn't want to go to the beach was because I was insecure. Every girl is. I don't love looking at my body in the mirror because I can seem to point at every flaw. Some people are confused at why I think it's a flaw but in my eyes it jumps out at me. Some people are annoyed when I don't act confident. They say you're gorgeous shut up, stop acting fake you want attention, you're pretty. I mean I don't say I'm ugly. I just mean I don't feel pretty in every way.

"Lex, you ready?" My aunt called.

"Yea!" I called back looking into the mirror one last time. I felt pretty confident especially knowing that the photographer specifically asked for me to be the model. Even thought I know absolutely nothing about modeling.

I'll just wing it


"Okay you can go and get something to eat, but not to much!" My aunt called as I waved her off. After a few hours of modeling we moved to the beach. And I have gone quite a long time with no food so I convinced my aunt to let me take a break and go get some fries or something. She was very hard to convince but the photographer said he needed to go over the pictures anyways so I was able to leave.

I slipped on an oversized flannel and buttoned it up a bit, letting it hang off my shoulder.

I just left my hair how it was because I had no choice. So it remained curled.

"Bye..." I said taking my phone out.

"Be back soon!" My aunt called.

"No promises!" I called back smiling. I could tell she was smiling to. She loves me.

I walked along the sand thinking about where I should go. If I should eat at the place or if I should bring it back.

Deciding was taking to long and I was growing hungrier so I just settled for this cute little burger shop next to the corner.

I walked in looking straight at the menu finding myself having to squint in order to see what was on it. Let's see...

Cheesy Fries
Chili Cheese dog
Chicken Sandwich
Chicken Wrap

Trying to see the details more clearly I took a step.....right into someone's shoulder.

"Why do we always have to keep meeting like this?"

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